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Vocabulary - 04.07.2015

Bankers Guru
1. POIGNANT (ADJECTIVE): affecting, painful 

Synonyms: disturbing, heartbreaking Antonyms: cheerful, wonderful 

Example Sentence: 

More than 50 years later she went there to see his grave and wrote a poignant memoir of their lost life together. 

2. SEVERANCE (NOUN): division 

Synonyms: detachment, demarcation Antonyms: union, juncture 

Example Sentence: 

Doubts and tensions between the two sides further exacerbated after US President announced the severance of ties with Taiwan in 1978. 

3. COLLUDE (VERB): conspire 

Synonyms: plot, intrigue Antonyms: forget, neglect 

Example Sentence: 

In the last two years, more than 15 of the market's traders have been kidnapped. One businessman says that corrupt government officials and the Afghan security services often collude in these crimes.

4. MAZY (ADJECTIVE): difficult to understand 

Synonyms: complicated, convoluted Antonyms: easy, clear 

Example Sentence: 

All day and all night, the waves threw themselves dementedly against their rocky barricade, sending an endless roar like heavy traffic through the glacial rooms and mazy, echoing corridors of the old house. 

5. GLADE (NOUN): dell 

Synonyms: meadow, valley 

Example Sentence: 

We had broken suddenly into a lovely glade of greensward surrounded by ancient trees. 

6. RETICENT (ADJECTIVE): secretive, quiet 

Synonyms: hesitant, shy Antonyms: extrovert, outgoing 

Example Sentence: 

Sensitive to the victimization of blacks throughout American history, whites tend to be reticent about criticizing them, especially on racial matters. 

7. BLEB (NOUN): swelling 

Synonyms: sore, abscess 

Example Sentence: 

One day, as he was bathing her, a bleb of shampoo had streamed into her eye, and she had kept a hand pressed to it for the rest of the day. 

8. VET (VERB): analyze, test 

Synonyms: inspect, ponder Antonyms: overlook, ignore 

Example Sentence: 

She was the right age (in her fifties), and her personal background had been vetted 

during the Senate confirmation hearings. 

9. ACCLIMATE (VERB): make or become adjusted, adapted 

Synonyms: accustom, accommodate Antonyms: soften 

Example Sentence: 

The Korbels did not have much time to pull their lives together and acclimate themselves to English culture. 

10. PREROGATIVE (NOUN): right, privilege 

Synonyms: immunity, perquisite Antonyms: duty, obligation 

Example Sentence: 

It is the prerogative of the High Court to accept or reject the public interest litigation in many countries.

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