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Vocabulary Words - 09.07.2015

Bankers Guru
1. IMPOVERISH (VERB): make poor

Synonyms: deplete, ruin Antonyms: enrich

Example Sentence:

Critics of the IMF and World Bank believe the policies of the institutions further impoverish poor countries.

2. UMBRAGE (NOUN): personal displeasure

Synonyms: grudge, offence Antonyms: glee, delight

Example Sentence:

He had published some such religious articles, which had given umbrage to some sects.

3. INSURRECTION (NOUN): rebellion

Synonyms: coup, riot Antonyms: calm, peace

Example Sentence:

In 1923 he took part in the communist insurrection in Germany. ­­

4. RECTITUDE (NOUN): uprightness

Synonyms: integrity, virtue Antonyms: evil, deceit

Example Sentence:

It remains to be seen whether the newfound rectitude of these first-time taxpayers' citizens will last. 

5. NUMINOUS (ADJECTIVE): spiritual

Synonyms: divine, sacred Antonyms: unholy, impure

Example Sentence:

A numinous experience involves being in the presence of someone or something holy.


Synonyms: concise, compact Antonyms: enlarge, lengthened

Example Sentence:

If you would like to know a compendious way to mortify your desires, then surrender yourself to the God.

7. IMPLORE (VERB): beg

Synonyms: beseech, plead Antonyms: turn off, refuse

Example Sentence:

I respectfully implore you to help us, and to spread this message to friends and loved ones.

8. PROPOUND (VERB): propose

Synonyms: introduce, recommend Antonyms: retreat, withdraw

Example Sentence:

Two minutes of consultation with Wikipedia shattered the theory you propound.

9. STINT (NOUN): period of responsibility

Synonyms: assignment, duty Antonyms: failure, passtime

Example Sentence:

It was after her stint teaching in Portugal that Rowling began to write the premise for Harry Potter.

10. CANTICLE (NOUN): song 

Synonyms: chant, chorus 

Example Sentence:

This book is a canticle to India, yet it emanates from the pen of a United Nations Official who has lived outside India for most of his adult life.

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