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Vocabulary Words - 10.07.2015

Bankers Guru
1. CHASM (NOUN): gap, abyss

Synonyms: gorge, rift Antonyms: closure, solid

Example Sentence:

A huge rock, falling from above, boomed past me, struck the path, and bounced over into the chasm.

2. BEREAVEMENT (NOUN): death; loss

Synonyms: sorrow, misfortune Antonyms: health, comfort

Example Sentence:

In some manner he had learned of my own sad bereavement, and his sympathy was shown in his manner rather than in his words.

3. GROTESQUE (ADJECTIVE): ugly, misshapen

Synonyms: eerie, absurd Antonyms: familiar, usual

Example Sentence:

I confess that I had not up to now taken a very serious view of the case, which had seemed to me rather grotesque and bizarre than dangerous. ­­

4. EMULATE (VERB): copy the actions of

Synonyms: imitate, mimic Antonyms: neglect, ignore

Example Sentence:

I have throughout my life tried to emulate my father in my own world of science and technology. 

5. REVELATION (NOUN): disclosure, telling

Synonyms: announcement, discovery Antonyms: concealment, secret

Example Sentence:

The Pamban Bridge collapsed with a train full of passengers in it. Until then, I had only seen the beauty of the sea, now its uncotrollable energy came as a revelation to me

6. CATECHUMEN (ADJECTIVE): person unskilled in something

Synonyms: novice, newcomer Antonyms: expert, professional

Example Sentence:

Since this is my daughter’s first swim lesson, she is definitely a catechumen in the sport.

7. CORYBANTIC (ADJECTIVE): excited; very happy

Synonyms: delighted, frantic Antonyms: troubled, sorrowful

Example Sentence:

The bird's corybantic attempt to free itself from the thorn bush finally exhausted it.

8. PALTRY (NOUN): small or meager

Synonyms: paucity, insufficiency Antonyms: abundance, enough

Example Sentence:

Although I paid a great deal for the gourmet meal, I only received a paltry amount of food on my plate.

9. SKULK (VERB): lurk; shirk

Synonyms: crouch, prowl Antonyms: confront, encounter

Example Sentence:

At midnight, when there was a moon, I sometimes met with hounds in my path prowling about the woods, which would skulk out of my way, as if afraid, and stand silent amid the bushes till I had passed.

10. HEATH (NOUN): grassy field 

Synonyms: grassland, pasture 

Example Sentence:

The heath was covered with golden patches of flowering gorse, gleaming magnificently in the light of the bright spring sunshine.

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