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Vocabulary - 11.07.2015

Bankers Guru
1. INCANTATION (NOUN): spell, magic

Synonyms: enchantment, hymn Antonyms: reality, truth

Example Sentence:

To our surprise, the wizard's incantation eventually turned the small pebble into gold coins.

2. PERIPATETIC (ADJECTIVE): constantly traveling

Synonyms: nomadic, itinerant Antonyms: settled, fixed

Example Sentence:

The multinational executive's peripatetic lifestyle began to feel less glamorous to her after her first child was born.

3. REPLETE (ADJECTIVE): full, well-stocked

Synonyms: filled, loaded Antonyms: empty, lacking

Example Sentence:

Following the good rains this year, the lakes of Udaipur, once replete with water hyacinth, are a wonder of natural beauty today. ­­

4. OFFICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): self-important, dictatorial

Synonyms: busy, forward Antonyms: shy, timid

Example Sentence:

The officious salesperson was so annoying that we left without buying anything. 

5. IMPROPRIETY (NOUN): bad taste, mistake

Synonyms: indecency, barbarism Antonyms: suitability, correctness

Example Sentence:

The accused was joking in the court as if the bombing was a mere impropriety and not a serious crime.

6. BUNKUM (NOUN): insincere or foolish talk : nonsense

Synonyms: baloney, crap Antonyms: sense, truth

Example Sentence:

I hesitated to voice my opinions, fearful that my companions would deride my views as bunkum.

7. BELLWETHER (NOUN): one that takes the lead or initiative: leader; 

Synonyms: forerunner, guide Antonyms: follower

Example Sentence:

The company has long been viewed as a bellwether for the tech market, so analysts are watching it closely. 

8. RAMBUNCTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): loud, energetic

Synonyms: rowdy, raucous Antonyms: silent, quiet

Example Sentence:

When Kelly gets a bit too rambunctious, her parents sit her down for a time-out.

9. ROUSTABOUT (NOUN): labourer

Synonyms: worker, farmhand Antonyms: master

Example Sentence:

Nathan worked for years as a roustabout in the oil fields of Alaska until he earned 

enough money to go to college and become a petroleum engineer.

10. CAPARISON (NOUN): rich clothing: adornment 

Synonyms: decoration, trappings 

Example Sentence:

A group of horses outfitted in medieval caparison were standing near the area where the festival's jousting would begin.

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