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Vocabulary - 13.07.2015

Bankers Guru
1. INJUNCTION (NOUN): decree

Synonyms: admonition, instruction Antonyms: allowance, permission

Example Sentence:

Our neighbours got a court injunction prohibiting them to park their cars that block the entry to our house.


Synonyms: adaptable, flexible Antonyms: rigid, stiff

Example Sentence:

Gold is so malleable in its purest form that it cannot easily be used for making jewellery.

3. DEFERENCE (NOUN): obedience, compliance

Synonyms: yielding, docility Antonyms: disregard, disobedience

Example Sentence:

Showing deference to elders is an integral part of our culture. ­­

4. PONDEROUS (ADJECTIVE): heavy, cumbersome

Synonyms: awkward, clumsy Antonyms: easy, graceful

Example Sentence:

The fat man was unable to sit and work on the computer, because his ponderous belly prevented him from pushing his chair up to his desk. 

5. PRECEPT (NOUN): law, rule of behavior, action

Synonyms: doctrine, dogma Antonyms: ambiguity, unbelief

Example Sentence:

"Treat others like you want to be treated" is a precept that I have found difficult to follow with some people.

6. ESPOUSE (VERB): stand up for; support

Synonyms: defend, uphold Antonyms: reject, desert

Example Sentence:

The candidate for prime minister espoused a program in which income taxes would be abolished and all revenues would be supplied by sales and property taxes.


Synonyms: insignificant, negligible Antonyms: huge, significant

Example Sentence:

Since we lost many early games, our chances of winning the tournament were infinitesimal; but we are playing our hearts out anyway. 

8. ARABLE (ADJECTIVE): farmable

Synonyms: cultivable, tillable Antonyms: infertile, barren

Example Sentence:

Except for United States of America, India has the largest amount of arable land; still there is routine occurrence of food shortage due to excessive dependence on rainfall.


Synonyms: aimless, erratic Antonyms: organized, systematic

Example Sentence:

The discussion at our meeting today was desultory; no one's comments seemed to be 

related to anyone else's and we hardly discussed any of the planned topics.

10. SUBLIME (ADJECTIVE): great, magnificent 

Synonyms: glorious, exalted Antonyms: bad, inferior

Example Sentence:

My friend is a sublime thinker; after pondering a difficult problem for just a few minutes, he would arrive at a concise and elegant solution.

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