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Vocabulary - 14.07.2015

Bankers Guru
1. MARCHING (ADJECTIVE): advancing

Synonyms: stepping, walking Antonyms: back warding, stopping

Example Sentence:

Today’s generation is marching towards wealth and property.

2. GALLOP (VERB): bolt, race with slight jumping motion

Synonyms: jump, hurry Antonyms: slow, halt

Example Sentence:

The gallop that the youth has taken in moulding and modifying their lifestyle is much beyond the imagination capacity of an average human being.

3. ABSTRACT (ADJECTIVE): conceptual, theoretical

Synonyms: hypothetical, complex Antonyms: real, material

Example Sentence:

This is not question that can be convincingly answered by abstract reasoning, or by information collected under prohibition. ­­

4. TIRADE (NOUN): abuse, outburst

Synonyms: denunciation, invective Antonyms: compliment, praise

Example Sentence:

During the parent teacher meeting, the head of the parents association launched into a tirade against the sale of sweetened soft-drinks in the school cafeteria. 

5. FLOUT (VERB): show contempt for

Synonyms: defy, mock Antonyms: approve, commend

Example Sentence:

The youthful driver flouted all traffic laws and drove through red lights, knocked down pedestrians and finally stopped only to buy more alcohol.

6. NUANCE (NOUN): slight difference; shading

Synonyms: distinction, gradation Antonyms: information, light

Example Sentence:

In a Chinese dialect, the difference between one word and its opposite can sometimes be nothing more than just a nuance of inflection; so it is easy for beginners to inadvertently convey a completely wrong message.

7. MILIEU (NOUN): environment, atmosphere

Synonyms: ambience, surroundings 

Example Sentence:

A caring and involved neighborhood community is the proper milieu for raising a family and develop necessary social skills in children. 

8. MARSHAL (VERB): organize, guide

Synonyms: assemble, mobilize Antonyms: confuse, disorder

Example Sentence:

The general in the army marshaled his troops in anticipation of launching an attack on the enemy fortress in the wee hours of next morning.

9. INANE (ADJECTIVE): stupid

Synonyms: absurd, frivolous Antonyms: smart, bright

Example Sentence:

Their plan to create an indoor swimming pool by filling water in the basement of their house was inane.

10. CLIQUE (NOUN): group of friends 

Synonyms: cabal, gang Antonyms: individual

Example Sentence:

The senior engineers in a company we used to work for had a real clique; they all had meetings together, ate lunch together and would not talk to anyone else; so it was no fun working there.

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