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Vocabulary Words - 15.07.2015

Bankers Guru
1. GABBLE (VERB): talk a lot

Synonyms: babble, chatter Antonyms: quiet, silent

Example Sentence:

It goes on far too long, and I forget my lines and gabble nervously.

2. JARGON (NOUN): specialized language; dialect

Synonyms: argot, patois Antonyms: standard, sense

Example Sentence:

Gas and electricity bills are filled with jargon that makes them difficult to understand.

3. PARAPET (NOUN): bulwark

Synonyms: embankment, protection Antonyms: harm, opening

Example Sentence:

The low wall along the edge of a balcony is called parapet.

4. BACKBITE (VERB): defame

Synonyms: slander, denigrate Antonyms: honour, praise

Example Sentence:

Do not backbite one another in the name of religion.

5. DEFLOWER (VERB): ravish; take away beauty

Synonyms: assault, despoil Antonyms: sanctify, disenchant

Example Sentence:

His honesty was deflowered by the prospect of easy money. 

6. SHINDIG (NOUN): happiness and celebration

Synonyms: feast, function Antonyms: unhappiness, sorrow

Example Sentence:

For some reason, however, he did not welcome the idea; perhaps there was too much shindig going on.


Synonyms: cackle, roar 

Example Sentence:

Every time you take a full and deep breath, or when you cachinnate well, you get extra energy instantly. 

8. ZANY (ADJECTIVE): crazy, funny

Synonyms: comical, campy Antonyms: serious

Example Sentence:

A television team was also in attendance, seeking out suitably zany people with which to film interviews.

9. MACERATE (VERB): liquefy

Synonyms: emaciate, mash Antonyms: dehydrate, dry

Example Sentence:

Remove from heat and stir, letting peaches macerate in the liquid for ten minutes

10. XANTIPPE (NOUN): foxy person 

Synonyms: cat, harpy 

Example Sentence:

He called his wife Xantippe, and she was so furious that she almost threw him out of the room.

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