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Vocabulary Words - 16.07.2015

Bankers Guru
1. OSTENSIBLE (ADJECTIVE): alleged, supposed

Synonyms: plausible, professed Antonyms: improbable, unlikely

Example Sentence:

Her ostensible interest was friendly concern, but her real aim was to gather some juicy gossip.

2. OUTSET (NOUN): starting

Synonyms: beginning, onset Antonyms: completion, end

Example Sentence:

Everyone was happy and excited at the outset of the trip.

3. PARTITION (NOUN): divider, division

Synonyms: barrier, separation Antonyms: aid, assistance

Example Sentence:

The partition of India caused the creation of Pakistan as a nation.

4. RESONATE (VERB): resound

Synonyms: echo, reverberate Antonyms: quiet

Example Sentence:

The sound resonated within the high walls of the cave.

5. UNDERSCORE (VERB): underline, emphasize

Synonyms: highlight, indicate Antonyms: unmark, unimportant

Example Sentence:

The fact that this accident occurred underscores the need for stricter safety measures. 

6. ERRONEOUS (ADJECTIVE): wrong, incorrect

Synonyms: false, faulty Antonyms: accurate, correct

Example Sentence:

The police acted on an erroneous assumption that the killer was a male.

7. STRATUM (NOUN): layer

Synonyms: level, thickness 

Example Sentence:

The troposphere is the innermost stratum of the earth’s atmosphere. 

8. EMULATE (VERB): copy the actions of

Synonyms: imitate, mimic Antonyms: neglect, original

Example Sentence:

She admired her adventuresome aunt and desired to emulate her.

9. ASPIRE (VERB): aim, hope

Synonyms: crave, pursue Antonyms: dislike, hate

Example Sentence:

She aspired to become a great singer and to sing at the Metropolitan Opera.

10. EXPLICIT (NOUN): stated fully, clearly, and without equivocation. 

Synonyms: definite, exact Antonyms: ambiguous, doubtful

Example Sentence:

Her refusal was quite explicit and left no hope of her changing her mind.

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