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Vocabulary Words - 17.07.2015

Bankers Guru
1. DISQUIET (NOUN): worry; mental upset

Synonyms: anxiety, uneasiness Antonyms: calmness, peace

Example Sentence:

The announcement of possible layoffs at the factory disquieted the workers.

2. SPECULATE (VERB): think about deeply and theorize

Synonyms: contemplate, guess Antonyms: know, forget

Example Sentence:

The press is speculating that the bomb blast was carried out by terrorists.

3. CULPABLE (ADJECTIVE): responsible for action

Synonyms: guilty, impeachable Antonyms: innocent, irresponsible

Example Sentence:

It is not the child who is culpable in this case; it is the parent.

4. RESONATE (VERB): resound

Synonyms: echo, reverberate Antonyms: quiet

Example Sentence:

The sound resonated within the high walls of the cave.

5. BEHEMOTH (NOUN): giant

Synonyms: beast, monster Antonyms: tiny

Example Sentence:

“The retail behemoth might not feel much pain from a wage hike, but some of its competitors would.” 

6. GENTEEL (ADJECTIVE): sophisticated, cultured

Synonyms: elegant, noble Antonyms: uncivilized, rough

Example Sentence:

Her newly acquired genteel manner irritated those who had known her the longest.

7. LEGISLATE (NOUN): make laws

Synonyms: enact, constitute Antonyms: deny, refuse 

Example Sentence:

The government legislated important reforms soon after it came into power. 

8. PRECOCIOUS (ADJECTIVE): exceptionally smart, ahead of age in understanding

Synonyms: bright, mature Antonyms: stupid, unintelligent

Example Sentence:

His precocious musical ability made him the darling of his teachers.

9. CITE (VERB): note, quote

Synonyms: mention, indicate Antonyms: conceal, withhold

Example Sentence:

His lawyer cited many cases where such a decision had been reached.

10. INNATE (ADJECTIVE): inherited, native 

Synonyms: elemental, intrinsic Antonyms: acquired, learned

Example Sentence:

Shyness may be an innate characteristic in some human beings.

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