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Vocabulary Words - 23.07.2015

Bankers Guru
1. SLATHER (VERB): apply colored tint, often to make design

Synonyms: coat, cover Antonyms: reveal, uncover

Example Sentence:

The cake was slathered with whipped cream.

2. COMPUNCTION (NOUN): regret, sorrow

Synonyms: penitence, remorse Antonyms: happiness, disdain

Example Sentence:

He confessed to defrauding hundreds of clients, but showed no compunction.

3. FOREBODING (NOUN): misgiving, bad omen

Synonyms: apprehension, dread Antonyms: fortune, luck

Example Sentence:

She woke up in the middle of the night, filled with a terrible foreboding.


Synonyms: unreliable, unscientific Antonyms: scientific

Example Sentence:

We listened with interest to his anecdotal account of his trip.

5. WISP (NOUN): strand

Synonyms: tuft, lock Antonyms: whole

Example Sentence:

She tucked the stray wisps of hair under her cap.

6. CORUSCATE (VERB): gleam

Synonyms: flash, blaze 

Example Sentence:

I ran an appraising eye over the staff bike shed and glimpsed a Ridgefinder Gold Bowl Special, coruscating like a jeweller’s window display.

7. MAGISTERIAL (ADJECTIVE): authoritative

Synonyms: autocratic, imperious Antonyms: modest 

Example Sentence:

He delivers his opinions with a magisterial air that everyone resents. 

8. PROSTRATE (ADJECTIVE): flat, horizontal

Synonyms: reclining, abject Antonyms: healthy, upright

Example Sentence:

He prostrated himself in front of the altar and lay for some time on the cold floor.

9. AGGRANDIZE (VERB): cause something to seem or be greater, bigger

Synonyms: acclaim, applaud Antonyms: condemn, decrease

Example Sentence:

Plans were made to further aggrandize the palace.

10. PERVERSE (ADJECTIVE): mean, ornery; troublesome 

Synonyms: contradictory, wicked Antonyms: compliant, agreeable

Example Sentence:

She seems to take perverse pleasure in disappointing her parents.

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