1. RETRIBUTION (NOUN): payback for another's action
Synonyms: compensation, revenge Antonyms: pardon, forgiveness
Example Sentence:
The public were demanding retribution for the crime, and therefore the suspect had to be heavily guarded.
2. VISCERAL (ADJECTIVE): instinctive
Synonyms: innate, intuitive Antonyms: reasoned, meditated
Example Sentence:
The patient complained of visceral pain that was felt as an aching in the lower abdomen.
3. THRUM (VERB): making noise continuously
Synonyms: purr, whirr Antonyms: silence, be quiet
Example Sentence:
She sat thrumming the table and thinking.
4. STIGMA (NOUN): shame
Synonyms: scar, stain Antonyms: esteem, exaltation
Example Sentence:
He was never able to overcome the stigma of having been impeached.
5. INTERREGNUM (NOUN): interval
Synonyms: meantime, break Antonyms: continuation, permanence
Example Sentence:
He was elected by the Roman people at the close of a year's interregnum, during which the sovereignty had been exercised by the members of the senate in rotation.
6. MOOT (ADJECTIVE): doubtful, arguable
Synonyms: debatable, unresolved Antonyms: certain, definite
Example Sentence:
Whether or not this common medical practice is good for society is a moot point.
Synonyms: corrective, curative Antonyms: harmful, injurious
Example Sentence:
She applies a skin restorative to her face every night.
8. PANOPLY (NOUN): display
Synonyms: array, arrangement Antonyms: concealment, plainness
Example Sentence:
The program has raised enough money to install an impressive panoply of filmmaking equipment.
9. SPECIOUS (ADJECTIVE): misleading
Synonyms: deceptive, inaccurate Antonyms: valid, truthful
Example Sentence:
Some people are convinced by such specious reasoning, but I am not.
10. VAUNT (VERB): exhibit
Synonyms: boast, brag Antonyms: deprecate, hide
Example Sentence:
He vaunted his many successes.