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Vocabulary - 29.07.2015

Bankers Guru

Synonyms: ingenuous, plain Antonyms: contrived, complicated

Example Sentence:

The couple’s artless manner made us feel comfortable and at home.

2. CAREEN (VERB): tilt; move wildly down path

Synonyms: lurch, bend Antonyms: straighten

Example Sentence:

The truck careened down the hill looking as if it might topple into the ditch.

3. VAPID (ADJECTIVE): flat, dull

Synonyms: boring, insipid Antonyms: exciting, interesting

Example Sentence:

His parents had hoped that he would study accounting, but he considered it a vapid subject.

4. PUERILE (ADJECTIVE): childish

Synonyms: callow, infantile Antonyms: mature, adult

Example Sentence:

The fireman was scolded for playing puerile pranks on his coworkers.

5. GLEAN (VERB): pick out, collect

Synonyms: deduce, gather Antonyms: disperse, divide

Example Sentence:

Her research gleanings confirmed my theory.

6. CAROM (VERB): bounce

Synonyms: glance, ricochet 

Example Sentence:

The baseball caromed off the wall.

7. EXTEMPORIZE (VERB): improvise

Synonyms: invent, make up Antonyms: plan, prepare 

Example Sentence:

He could scarcely recollect a word of his part, but he remembered the general drift of it, and had ready wit enough to extemporize. 

8. DEIGN (VERB): lower oneself

Synonyms: consent, stoop Antonyms: oppose, refuse

Example Sentence:

She did not deign to respond to the impolite questions.

9. QUERULOUS (ADJECTIVE): grouchy, hard to please

Synonyms: carping, complaining Antonyms: cheerful, happy

Example Sentence:

Caring for this querulous patient had become a tiresome task.

10. MIRTH (NOUN): great joy 

Synonyms: laughter, rejoicing Antonyms: sorrow, pain

Example Sentence:

Their holiday dinners were always filled with mirth.

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