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English For PO/CLERK : 11.08.2015

Bankers Guru
Q.1-10.In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

If you own a laptop, refrigerator, washing machine, two-wheeler and a landline phone you could still make it to the list of ‘urban poor’. And, what’s more, (1) government schemes of subsidised housing and foodgrain.

The dilution, sources said, came in wake of the recent food security law that aims to (2) highly subsidised foodgrain for 50% of the urban (3). 

The earlier stringent parameters would have left many out of the scheme. “We will go to the Cabinet shortly to seek (4) for the changed parameters,” said a ministry official. 

The housing and urban poverty alleviation ministry — which has almost completed a nation-wide survey to identify the urban poor as part of the socio-economic caste census — has decided to do away with its earlier criteria to automatically exclude households which (5) these assets from the list of urban poor.

According to the methodology, recommended by a committee constituted by the Planning Commission, that the ministry followed, one of the indicators to identify the urban poor was to (6) exclude a family if it had either a four-room house or possessed any one of these assets — four-wheeler, air conditioner and computer/laptop with internet.

Anyone having any three of the following assets, refrigerator, landline phone, washing machine and a two-wheeler, was also automatically (7).

The ministry has now decided to drop computer/laptop, fridge, phone, washing machine and two-wheeler from the list, as it felt that these (8) were now considered more a necessity and the operational cost of running them wasn’t much (9).

“Also, the data captured by us is based on a household’s (10) and not their purchasing power. Merely having an asset does not indicate one’s economic power. States like Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh have doled out free laptops to woo voters,” said an official.

Q.1. (1) avail (2) arrange (3) applicable (4) favour (5) indulge

Q.2. (1) certified (2) answer (3) confession (4) recognized (5) guarantee

Q.3. (1) household (2) poor (3) living (4) areas (5) poverty

Q.4. (1) valid (2) confirm (3) approval (4) supported (5) recommend

Q.5. (1) control (2) dominate (3) let go (4) possess (5) seize

Q.6. (1) frequently (2) automatically (3) doubtfully (4) carelessly (5) commonly

Q.7. (1) disabled (2) exempted (3) aided (4) accepted (5) disqualified

Q.8. (1) elecronic (2) hurdles (3) assets (4) luxury (5) gadget

Q.9. (1) neither (2) as (3) whoever (4) either (5) both

Q.10. (1) acquisition (2) earned (3) request (4) accusation (5) maintenance


Q.1.(1) Q.2.(5) Q.3.(2) Q.4.(3) Q.5.(4) Q.6.(2) Q.7.(5) Q.8.(3) Q.9.(4) Q.10.(1)

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