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English For PO/CLERK : 18.08.2015

Bankers Guru
Q.1-5. In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each five pairs of words have been denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentences in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

Q.1. Many political leaders have pointed out that they are not —————to cartoons being ————in the media.

(1) Argued, announced (2) Hindered, declared (3) Opposed, published (4) Debated, reported (5) Contradicted, communicated

Q.2. A unique —————was found in the————— improvised explosive devices.

(1) Decoration, repaired (2) Impression, restored (3) Guide, discovered (4) Original, balanced (5) Pattern, recovered

Q.3. The ————approach members of the public and offer to settle cases in ————for monetary favours.

(1) Cheat, settle (2) Mimic, return (3) Impostors, exchange (4) Artist, dealing (5) Fraud, transaction

Q.4. The —————was meant for distribution among voters in the —————by-election.

(1) Cash, forthcoming (2) Investment, past (3) Payment , focused (4) Reserve, pending (5) Security, anticipating

Q.5. Leopards in the area have been ——————as the major——————.

(1) analyzed, classification (2) Identified, predators (3) Classified, rescued (4) Distinguished, hunt (5) Separated, drivers

Q.6-10. Below is given a single word with options to its meaning in different contexts. You have to select all those options which are synonyms of the word when the context is changed. Select the correct alternative from (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) which represents all those synonyms.

Q.6. Conflict

A. Brawl B. Feud C. Stoic D. leisure 

(1) Only A (2) Only A and B (3) Only D (4) All except D (5) A,B, C and D

Q.7. Emulate

A. Saturate B. Feign C. Replicate D. Imitate 

(1) A and C only (2) Only B (3) All except A (4) C and D only (5) A,B, C and D

Q.8. Eccentric

A. Ignorant B. filth C. Humiliate D. Idiosyncratic 

(1) Only A (2) Only B (3) Only A and B (4) Only D (5) A,B, C and D

Q.9. Clutter

A. Chaos B. Explicit C. Turmoil D. Emanate 

(1) Only C (2) A and C only (3) Only B and D (4) Only B (5) A,B, C and D

Q.10. Feeble

A. Frail B. Decrepit C. Enervated D. Debilitated 

(1) Only A and B (2) Only C (3) Only C and D (4) Only B and D (5) A,B, C and D


Q.1.(3) Q.2.(5) Q.3.(3) Q.4.(1) Q.5.(2) Q.6.(2) Q.7.(3) Q.8.(4) Q.9.(2) Q.10.(5)

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