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English For PO/CLERK : 24.08.2015

Bankers Guru
Q.1-5. Below is given a single word with options to its meaning in different contexts. You have to select all those options which are synonyms of the word when the context is changed. Select the correct alternative from (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) which represents all those synonyms.

Q.1. Liberty 

A. Freedom B.Independence C.Restrain D. Emancipation 

(1) Only A (2) Both A and B (3) All except C (4) All except D (5) Only C and D 

Q.2. Demise 

A. Decease B. Death C. Downfall D. End 

(1) Only B (2) Both B and C (3) All except B (4) All A, B, C , D (5) Only B, C and D 

Q.3. Cruel 

A. Brutal B. considerate C. Compassionate D. Vicious 

(1) Only A and D (2) Only B and C (3) Only B (4) Only C and D (5) None of these

Q.4. Capitulate 

A. Defend B. Fight C. Overpower D. guard

(1) Only A (2) Only B and D (3) Only D (4) All except B (5) None of these

Q.5. Industrious 

A. Assiduous B. laborious C. lackadaisical D. lethargic 

(1) Only B and C (2) Only C and D (3) only A and B (4) Only D (5) Only A and D


Q.1.(3) Q.2.(4) Q.3.(1) Q.4.(5) Q.5.(3)

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