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English For PO/CLERK : 05.08.2015

Bankers Guru
Q.1-10. In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. 

Homeopathy has always been seen as the last (1) for people suffering from severe or chronic diseases. Practitioners of this branch of (2), however, are now determined to change the image of their (3) in public consciousness. They want to make people aware that even in the more severe or critical conditions, homeopathy can be as good as a treatment method as any other. 

Homeopathy can help in three ways - cure curable diseases, ease the pain and suffering in chronic or incurable diseases and prevent diseases from (4) all together. No (5) of medicine would be able to make a claim as tall as saying that it can cure any condition. People have to approach homeopaths when the disease is in the curable stage for them to be able to do their (6). Homeopathy is entering a new phase with open discussions on its (7) and limitations. 

In modern times, homeopathy has (8) as a science based on genetics and personal traits. The principles that Samuel Hahnemann came up with 225 years ago were much ahead of their time, were researched and understood in due course 

Only when one sees the (9) does one tend to believe in an ideology. With this end in view, a lot of students are told some of the things homeopathy is capable of, that they did not know or believe. When they are more confident about their job, it would be easier for them to (10) patients. 

Q.1. (1) spark (2) rendezvous (3) strategy (4) wish (5) resort 

Q.2. (1) economics (2) medicine (3) psychology (4) sociology (5) language 

Q.3. (1) aura (2) reasoned (3) acceptance (4) condition (5) pathy 

Q.4. (1) happening (2) threatening (3) spreading (4) capturing (5) honouring 

Q.5. (1) fields (2) practitioners (3) branch (4) survivors (5) follow 

Q.6. (1) knowledge (2) best (3) end (4) practiced (5) least 

Q.7. (1) challenged (2) ranged (3) prevention (4) scope (5) order 

Q.8. (1) enveloped (2) tried (3) emerged (4) surfaced (5) pompous 

Q.19. (1) fame (2) cause (3) reasons (4) negativity (5) results 

Q.10. (1) lead (2) convince (3) regret (4) divert (5) quantify












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