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English For PO/CLERK : 08.08.2015

Bankers Guru
Q.1-4. In each of the following questions, two sentences (A) and (B) are given. Each sentence has blank in it. Five words (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) are suggested. Out of these, only one fits at both the places in context of each sentence. Number of that word is the answer----

Q.1. (A) Junk food ————-are mushrooming near schools, and the government does not seem to have plans to regulate it.

(B) In the winter season, my grandfather used to have problem moving his ———— and would be kept under medication.

(1) centers (2) legs (3) joints (4) restaurant (5) body

Q.2. (A) A steep increase in the price of rice with each passing year has suddenly revived farmers’ ————in agriculture.

(B) I decided to invest my hard- earned money in bank as it was safe though the rate of ——— —— was not very appealing.

(1) gain (2) field (3) interest (4) advancement (5) change

Q.3. (A) In his private life, Pran was considered to be quite the opposite of the dark roles he ——— —on screen.

(B) On being convinced by the coach, the players ————as a team and brought victory for                         the nation 

(1) exhibited (2) played (3) observe (4) unite (5) discuss

Q.4. (A) The student requested the teacher to ———the project submission date for him as he had failed to complete it in time.

(B) A week after the city schools reopened, several students have come forward to ————— a helping hand to the victims of Uttarakhand natural disaster.

(1) enquire (2) extend (3) demand (4) lend (5) liberalize

Q.5-10.In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

As the (5) becomes more integrated, old-timers are only playing a losing game when they insist on keeping out certain aspects of life by labelling them as alien. It is a matter of satisfaction, therefore, that a California judge has described yoga as a “distinctly American cultural phenomenon” while dismissing the complaints of some parents who argued that teaching it to school children amounted to “an unconstitutional (6) of eastern religions”. The fact that yoga had (7) in India had evidently persuaded the not-very-well-informed parents to deem it as an esoteric faith, presumably because the practice entails longish periods of contemplative silence and various formulaic bodily (8).

However, those with greater awareness of yogic movements would know that they are a form of exercise (9) at toning up the body and even relieving the mind of (10). These were formulated by the sage, Patanjali, in 150 BC. As Jawaharlal Nehru wrote in The Discovery of India, this “typical Indian method of preserving bodily is rather remarkable when one compares it with the more usual methods involving rushing about, jerks, hops and jumps which leave one panting”. It is the effect which yoga has on the mind that explains its popularity in the consumerist West.

Q.5. (1) processes (2) theories (3) people (4) world (5) services 

Q.6. (1) better (2) announced (3) risen (4) promotion (5) published

Q.7. (1) originated (2) sparked (3) discovered (4) perceived (5) exposed

Q.8. (1) movement (2) threats (3) rhythms (4) changes (5) postures

Q.9. (1) anticipated (2) planned (3) aligned (4) aimed (5) purposeful

Q.10. (1) wisdom (2) serious (3) thoughts (4) tension (5) pleasure


Q.1.(3) Q.2.(4) Q.3.(2) Q.4.(2) Q.5.(4) Q.6.(4) Q.7.(1) Q.8.(5) Q.9.(4) Q.10.(4)

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