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Mahendra No. 1 Institute wins several awards at World Education Summit 2015

Bankers Guru
Mahendra No. 1 Institute won several awards at the recently concluded World Education Summit 2015 from 21st to 22nd August at Le Meridien, New Delhi. The two projects; Faculty Orientation & Certification Program and Online Speed Test Platform for Competitive Examination Aspirants were voted as two of the best projects in the World Education Awards.

Mahendra No. 1 Institute to win the World Education Awards for the fourth time.

The mission of Mahendra's is to prepare candidates with quality, meaningful tutoring experiences to assist them in becoming proficient in all the areas essential to excel in all aspects of life.

Mahendra Educational Private Limited , with its mission statement just wishes to create a dynamic and sustainable setup of new age teaching methodology where the students is guided to use modern day technical support but with the traditional approach of teaching(of our country): "Gurur-Brahmaa Gurur-Vissnnur-Gururdevo Maheshvarah Gurur Sakshaat Param Brahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah."

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