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Vocabulary Words - 04.08.2015

Bankers Guru
1. DIVISIVE (ADJECTIVE): dissenting

Synonyms: disrupting, discordant Antonyms: well behaved, disciplined

Example Sentence:

Deflation also means that the economy adjusts to real shocks in the most disruptive way possible.


Synonyms: common, prevalent Antonyms: rare, limited

Example Sentence:

Pervasive drug use among students creates a climate in the schools that is destructive to learning.

3. EXPONENTIAL (ADJECTIVE): rapid change

Synonyms: aggressive, epidemic Antonyms: restrict, curtail

Example Sentence:

Yet the exponential decline in the cost means that the threat posed by the fabrication of lethal bio-pathogens is rising.

4. GARISH (ADJECTIVE): flashy, tasteless

Synonyms: gaudy, showy Antonyms: tasteful, refined

Example Sentence:

The entire structure has been newly painted in a variety of garish colors. 

5. PRECIPITOUS (ADJECTIVE): Done rashly: acting too quickly and without sufficient thought

Synonyms: craggy, sharp Antonyms: calm, gradual 

Example Sentence:

Excessive spending caused the precipitous demise of the company.

6. SPECIFICITY (NOUN): state of being precise or particular

Synonyms: particularity, precision Antonyms: vagueness, ambiguity 

Example Sentence:

His input added a desirable note of specificity to the discussion.

7. AVARICE (NOUN): Immoderate desire, greed for wealth

Synonyms: avidity, cupidity Antonyms: generosity, philanthropy 

Example Sentence:

His life was consumed by ambition and avarice. 


Synonyms: deduce, assume Antonyms: doubt

Example Sentence:

He extrapolated the historical data to determine the projected outcome. 

9. PROLIFIC (ADJECTIVE): fruitful, productive

Synonyms: creative, rich Antonyms: barren, fruitless

Example Sentence:

The actor and prolific student expanded his horizons—yet again—to include this 

music video.

10. CAVALIER (ADJECTIVE): arrogant 

Synonyms: curt, haughty Antonyms: humble, shy

Example Sentence:

He always seemed cavalier in company meetings.

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