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Vocabulary Words - 07.08.2015

Bankers Guru
1. GHOULISH (ADJECTIVE): hideous, scary

Synonyms: cruel, devilish Antonyms: angelic, moral

Example Sentence:

The ghoulish mask was a scary Halloween’s favorite.

2. RAPIER (NOUN): weapon

Synonyms: blade, dagger Antonyms: different, separate

Example Sentence:

A rapier and a dagger found on the Thames foreshore show us that swordfights routinely broke out on the streets of London.

3. RECIDIVATE (VERB): become void; fall back into previous pattern

Synonyms: degenerate, relapse Antonyms: improve, increase

Example Sentence:

The convictions for those over sixty are unlikely to recidivate.

4. POTENTATE (NOUN): monarch

Synonyms: despot, autocrat Antonyms: servant

Example Sentence:

Money became a potentate whose power is greater even than that of the president, controlling and outlasting any political fortune.

5. PEEVISH (ADJECTIVE): irritable, testy

Synonyms: carping, churlish Antonyms: happy, pleasant 

Example Sentence:

He was peevish around smokers.

6. ATROPHY (NOUN): wasting away, disintegration

Synonyms: decline, downfall Antonyms: betterment, rise 

Example Sentence:

Misleading and infrequent reporting have facilitated the atrophy of self-sufficiency.

7. IMPISH (ADJECTIVE): mischievous

Synonyms: jaunty, naughty Antonyms: good, behaved 

Example Sentence:

He approached her with an impish grin on his face. 

8. ARDENT (ADJECTIVE): very enthusiastic

Synonyms: fervent, passionate Antonyms: dull, unexcited

Example Sentence:

The pathetic dives and writhing on the field is a turn off to the most ardent American fan. 


Synonyms: defamatory, derisive Antonyms: polite, respectful

Example Sentence:

The critic’s vituperative review was needlessly harsh.

10. PHALANX (NOUN): mass, force of people 

Synonyms: throng, horde Antonyms: individual, one

Example Sentence:

A phalanx of lawyers took charge of the case.

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