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Vocabulary - 08.08.2015

Bankers Guru
1. PROD (VERB): poke at, urge, incite

Synonyms: nudge, press Antonyms: discourage, repress

Example Sentence:

He has been poking, prodding and pondering the problem for many years.

2. WAIVE (VERB): to refrain from claiming or insisting on

Synonyms: resign, renounce Antonyms: demand

Example Sentence:

Very few universities here will waive tuition for grad students.

3. MAJUSCULE (NOUN): upper case written symbol

Synonyms: cap, initial Antonyms: small

Example Sentence:

I can always recognize my brother's handwriting at a quick glance based on how elaborately the majuscules are formed and how they dwarf the other letters.

4. ESTIVAL (ADJECTIVE): pertaining to summer

Synonyms: sunny, warm Antonyms: wintery

Example Sentence:

The children were reveling in their weeks of summer vacation, filling their school-free estival afternoons with swimming and playing.

5. GARDEROBE (NOUN): bathroom

Synonyms: outhouse, restroom 

Example Sentence:

On our tour of the castle, the guide made sure to point out the garderobe.

6. RUE (VERB): regret

Synonyms: apologize, lament Antonyms: delight, praise 

Example Sentence:

I rue the day I agreed to serve on this committee.

7. CONTUMACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): headstrong, obstinate

Synonyms: inflexible, adamant Antonyms: obedient, subordinate 

Example Sentence:

We review for clear error any factual findings underlying the contumacious behavior.

8. YAW (VERB): swerve

Synonyms: deviate, curve Antonyms: stay

Example Sentence:

The ship yawed hard to starboard when the rogue wave hit it broadside. 

9. RAIL (VERB): To scold in harsh language

Synonyms: upbraid, berate Antonyms: praise, compliment

Example Sentence:

Clay began to cry as his irate manager railed at him for missing the deadline.

10. OTIOSE (ADJECTIVE): superfluous or redundant

Synonyms: idle, listless Antonyms: essential, necessary

Example Sentence:

The linking commentary is often otiose and always plonking.

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