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Vocabulary Words - 10.08.2015

Bankers Guru
1. SKULLDUGGERY (NOUN): tricky behavior

Synonyms: chicanery, crafty Antonyms: probity, modest

Example Sentence:

There was a whiff of skullduggery surrounding the real-estate deal, since the building managed to pass inspection even though everyone knew it wasn't up to code.

2. TEMERITY (NOUN): nerve, audacity

Synonyms: assurance, boldness Antonyms: politeness, caution

Example Sentence:

The line between boldness and temerity is sometimes only evident after the consequences have become clear.

3. RAMBUNCTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): loud, energetic

Synonyms: boisterous, noisy Antonyms: calm, quiet

Example Sentence:

When Kelly gets a bit too rambunctious, her parents sit her down for a time-out.

4. PARSE (VERB): break down to components

Synonyms: determine, resolve Antonyms: waver, combine

Example Sentence:

The lawyer meticulously parsed the wording of the final contract to be sure that her client would get all that he was asking for.

5. INGENUOUS (ADJECTIVE): honest, trustful

Synonyms: candid, frank Antonyms: deceitful, sly

Example Sentence:

The salesman had perfected the art of winning over potential buyers by playing the part of a folksy, ingenuous bumpkin who is just looking out for his customers.

6. WAD (NOUN): ball of something

Synonyms: bundle, chunk Antonyms: opening, poverty 

Example Sentence:

By the time the first stimulus package has spent its wad, we can hope the economy will be on the uptick.

7. COZEN (VERB): deceive

Synonyms: beguile, cheat Antonyms: be honest, give

Example Sentence:

The young man used his charm to cozen elderly victims into pouring their savings into his investment scheme.

8. LOCH (NOUN): shoreline indentation

Synonyms: basin, estuary 

Example Sentence:

Before he started singing, he was the guitarist for the band loch Ness. 

9. VIRTUOSO (NOUN): person who is an expert

Synonyms: prodigy, adept Antonyms: amateur, ignoramus

Example Sentence:

Peggy, a virtuoso on the piano, performed her first recital when she was only six years old.

10. EPIGRAM (NOUN): witticism

Synonyms: joke, quirk Antonyms: seriousness

Example Sentence:

On the wall of his studio, Jonathan kept a framed print of his favorite epigram from Benjamin Franklin: "Little strokes fell great oaks.

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