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Vocabulary Words - 11.08.2015

Bankers Guru
1. QUISLING (NOUN): traitor

Synonyms: betrayer, defector Antonyms: probity, modest

Example Sentence:

He also attacked what he called "quisling Republicans" currently in the Senate.

2. TRAVAIL (NOUN): struggle

Synonyms: agony, tribulation Antonyms: comfort, peace

Example Sentence:

Japan's electronics industry has been able to hold on to its status as a powerhouse exporter in spite of numerous travails.


Synonyms: bending, curving Antonyms: straight

Example Sentence:

Dr. X almost left the boundaries of Old Shanghai, which was part of a separate district; more to the point, he stuck to a small but anfractuous sub region.

4. FEBRILE (ADJECTIVE): feverish

Synonyms: delirious, fevered Antonyms: cold, frigid

Example Sentence:

The patient exhibited a rash and febrile symptoms that were consistent with a certain rare tropical infection.

5. BILK (VERB): cheat

Synonyms: deceive, defraud Antonyms: honest, give

Example Sentence:

The investigation revealed that the garage had been bilking motorists for repairs that had never been made.

6. DESICCATE (VERB): take out moisture 

Synonyms: dehydrate, dry Antonyms: dampen, moisten 

Example Sentence:

Weeks of blazing heat along with a prolonged lack of rain have desiccated many of the plants in our garden.

7. QUIDNUNC (NOUN): curious person

Synonyms: gossip, busybody Antonyms: quiet, silent

Example Sentence:

We were naturally curious when the moving van appeared in the Michaelsons' driveway, but the neighborhood quidnunc, Mrs. Dyer, had already heard that Mr. Michaelson was being transferred to a new job out of town.


Synonyms: bright, lustrous Antonyms: dull, unpolished 

Example Sentence:

She invariably wore gloves out of doors and a veil to conceal the chatoyant eyes. 

9. ILK (NOUN): kind, type

Synonyms: brand, classification Antonyms: disorganization

Example Sentence:

The hole beneath the stairs of the cabin's porch allows in squirrels, woodchucks, and other creatures of that ilk.

10. FATIDIC (ADJECTIVE): prophetic

Synonyms: augural, mantic 

Example Sentence:

I hope the dream I had last night about losing my wedding ring doesn't prove fatidic.

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