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Vocabulary - 12.08.2015

Bankers Guru
1. PANJANDRUM (NOUN): person representing organization

Synonyms: administrator, secretary Antonyms: employee

Example Sentence:

Little gets done in this town without the approval of the local panjandrums on the board of selectmen.

2. DYSPEPSIA (NOUN): upset stomach

Synonyms: heartburn, nausea Antonyms: healthy

Example Sentence:

The meatball sandwich was delicious, but not worth the dyspepsia suffered because of it.

3. NONAGE (NOUN): youth

Synonyms: childhood, infancy Antonyms: maturity

Example Sentence:

Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage.

4. GIBE (NOUN): ridicule

Synonyms: jab, sarcasm Antonyms: compliment, respect

Example Sentence:

I felt sure he was seeking for some gibe, could think of none, and so was forced to silence.

5. JACKANAPES (NOUN): spoiled child

Synonyms: punk, devil Antonyms: angel

Example Sentence:

Mrs. Hobson had her neighbor's son pegged as a disrespectful jackanapes and was therefore reluctant to hire him to shovel the driveway.

6. PERSIFLAGE (NOUN): teasing

Synonyms: frivolity, mockery Antonyms: seriousness 

Example Sentence:

Since the final round ended sooner than expected, the quiz show host engaged in persiflage with the contestants until it was time to sign off.

7. MOXIE (NOUN): courage

Synonyms: boldness, fortitude Antonyms: timidity, cowardice

Example Sentence:

Accustomed to being a wallflower, Morris admired his friend for having the moxie to walk up to a girl he didn't know and ask her to dance.

8. SMARMY (ADJECTIVE): unctuous

Synonyms: smug, buttery Antonyms: oil free 

Example Sentence:

The candidate came across as a bit smarmy during the interview. 

9. FALDERAL (NOUN): folderol, foolishness

Synonyms: baloney, craziness Antonyms: sense

Example Sentence:

Stacy wanted nothing to do with the fuss and falderal of Valentine's Day and felt lucky that she had found in Lucas a partner who felt the same way.


Synonyms: cavalier, haughty Antonyms: modest, unassuming

Example Sentence:

With her overweening ego, the actress expected to be recognized and flattered by everyone she met.

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