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Vocabulary Words - 13.08.2015

Bankers Guru
1. PONTIFICATE (VERB): sermonize

Synonyms: admonish, dogmatize Antonyms: praise

Example Sentence:

Stan loves to hear himself talk and will often pontificate on even the most trivial issues.

2. BROMIDE (NOUN): platitude

Synonyms: cliché, banality Antonyms: coinage, original saying

Example Sentence:

Years of coal mining and natural gas extraction have elevated the concentration of bromides in the river.

3. DISTEMPER (NOUN): disturbance

Synonyms: affliction, ailment Antonyms: health

Example Sentence:

Martha worried that employee morale at the company would be distempered if the rumoured merger were to happen.

4. TINTINNABULATION (NOUN): loud ringing

Synonyms: chime, jingle Antonyms: silence

Example Sentence:

The tintinnabulation that could be heard throughout the village was from the church on the common announcing morning services.

5. SEPTENTRIONAL (ADVERB): toward the top pole of the earth

Synonyms: northward, arctic Antonyms: southward

Example Sentence:

When he tired of the long, septentrional winters of New England, Grandfather retired to Florida.


Synonyms: assured, confident Antonyms: pessimistic 

Example Sentence:

This is simply a Panglossian idea, policy as wishful thinking.

7. ANABASIS (NOUN): forward movement

Synonyms: advance, progress Antonyms: hinder, backward 

Example Sentence:

Reluctantly, the general ordered a hasty anabasis in the face of overwhelming opposing forces.

8. CAITIFF (NOUN): coward

Synonyms: scoundrel, louse Antonyms: brave, bold 

Example Sentence:

Oh, horrible wretch! a murderer! unmanly murderer!—a defenseless woman smothered by caitiff hands. 

9. CRENEL (NOUN): depression, scrape, chip

Synonyms: indentation, incision Antonyms: increase, bulge

Example Sentence:

Leaning into a crenel between two square merlons, Simon took a deep breath of the mild spring air.

10. FLAPDOODLE (ADJECTIVE): ridiculous situation or behavior

Synonyms: craziness, foolishness Antonyms: intelligence, judgment

Example Sentence:

You're the last man I ever expected to hear that kind of flapdoodle from.

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