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Vocabulary Words - 17.08.2015

Bankers Guru
1. BLANDISHMENT (NOUN): flattery

Synonyms: adulation, cajolery Antonyms: criticism

Example Sentence:

At first he used his arts of blandishment and honeyed words in order to lure Savonarola to Rome.


Synonyms: aplomb, coolness Antonyms: agitation, anxiety

Example Sentence:

His imperturbability always had the effect of a goad upon his father’s temper.

3. MERETRICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): gaudy, flashy

Synonyms: garish, loud Antonyms: genuine, real

Example Sentence:

Now that Laura has been revealed to be little more than a collection of notes, the debate seems silly, meretricious.

4. AUGURY (NOUN): omen

Synonyms: auspice, harbinger Antonyms: short-sighted

Example Sentence:

This incident of his infancy was accepted as an augury of his maturity, and he did not belie it.

5. GLIB (ADJECTIVE): slick, smooth-talking

Synonyms: artful, facile Antonyms: stuttering, inarticulate

Example Sentence:

She advises women with similar issues not to settle for glib explanations.

6. OSTRACISM (NOUN): banishment

Synonyms: avoidance, boycott Antonyms: acceptance, allowance 

Example Sentence:

What would be the point besides at a minimum misery, isolation, ostracism, and constant behind-the-back derision?

7. REPINE (VERB): complain

Synonyms: grumble, lament Antonyms: dislike, praise 

Example Sentence:

In that wish there can be no harm, for it is only wishing that you may not be tempted to repine.

8. FEINT (NOUN): pretense

Synonyms: ruse, bluff Antonyms: honesty, truth 

Example Sentence:

Earl pretended to be making violent efforts to hurl Ensal off of himself, but this was merely a feint. 

9. INURE (VERB): accustom

Synonyms: familiarize, habituate Antonyms: neglect, soften

Example Sentence:

A continuation of the wrongful exclusion of these Indians from their lands should not inure to the benefit of the wrongdoers.

10. RECONDITE (ADJECTIVE): mysterious, obscure

Synonyms: arcane, cabalistic Antonyms: simple, straightforward

Example Sentence:

How else to explain the popularity of a novel so free of plot, so obsessed with existential rumination and recondite philosophy?

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