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Vocabulary Words - 18.08.2015

Bankers Guru
1. STYGIAN (ADJECTIVE): dark, inky

Synonyms: clouded, brunet Antonyms: optimistic, hopeful

Example Sentence:

In fact she slipped and fell the last ten feet, her heart bounding into her throat as she toppled into Stygian blackness.

2. TOUT (VERB): brag about, show off

Synonyms: publicize, trumpet Antonyms: blame, condemn

Example Sentence:

A liberal group supporting Hillary Clinton tries to tout her pro-middle class bonafides.

3. ELLIPSIS (NOUN): turn of expression

Synonyms: allusion, analogy 

Example Sentence:

An oval is never mistaken for a circle, nor a hyperbola for an ellipsis.

4. EXTIRPATION (NOUN): extermination

Synonyms: annihilation, destruction Antonyms: construction

Example Sentence:

After the extirpation of the Indians, the labor of African slaves was introduced.


Synonyms: dandified, natty Antonyms: non fashionable

Example Sentence:

Once he got his foppish foot in the door, he celebrated by unleashing the full majesty of his pent-up fashion exhibitionism.

6. GAFFE (NOUN): mistake, goof

Synonyms: blooper, blunder Antonyms: correction 

Example Sentence:

The gaffe created a furor in the scientific community, which attacked the publication for flawed and faulty research.

7. MINATORY (ADJECTIVE): threatening

Synonyms: alarming, dangerous Antonyms: pleasing, harmless 

Example Sentence:

And now we know for all time that these countless scolding and minatory voices were not mere angry units, but that they were in.

8. PLUMB (ADJECTIVE): vertical

Synonyms: perpendicular, straight Antonyms: horizontal, flat 

Example Sentence:

It is a sweet sentiment, and hints at goateed depths we have yet to plumb. 


Synonyms: ultimate, ideal Antonyms: secondary

Example Sentence:

But in reality he is the quintessential example of how India corrupts.

10. RUNIC (ADJECTIVE): bewitching, charming

Synonyms: charismatic, enchanted Antonyms: normal, unmoving

Example Sentence:

My uncle looked keenly at the document for some moments and then declared that it was runic.

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