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Vocabulary Words - 20.08.2015

Bankers Guru
1. CANONICAL (ADJECTIVE): accepted, recognized

Synonyms: authoritative, orthodox Antonyms: unacceptable, unauthorized 

Example Sentence:

It will be a canonical marriage, but it will take some little time to arrange.

2. SOLICITOUS (ADJECTIVE): anxious or concerned

Synonyms: loving, attentive Antonyms: heedless, inattentive

Example Sentence:

I was not solicitous to vindicate him when I was not joined in their reflection.

3. COERCE (VERB): compel, press

Synonyms: intimidate, bully Antonyms: encourage, allow

Example Sentence:

But I do not think that the modern parent desires to coerce as much as did his forbear.


Synonyms: evil, sinful Antonyms: fair

Example Sentence:

In fact, all the necessaries of life were burdened with most iniquitous taxation.


Synonyms: bright, radiant Antonyms: dull, dark

Example Sentence:

It was past noon; the great sun shone out with refulgent glory.

6. TESTINESS (ADJECTIVE): irritability

Synonyms: annoyance, peevishness Antonyms: happiness 

Example Sentence:

He didn't know it, but she was trying to say she was sorry she had been impatient and testy.

7. THROWBACK (NOUN): inheritance, heritage

Synonyms: tradition, gift Antonyms: uncovered 

Example Sentence:

It's a throwback to meaningless names determined by the two-letter system.

8. UNTOWARD (ADJECTIVE): troublesome 

Synonyms: adverse, disturbing Antonyms: fortunate, suitable

Example Sentence:

Any objectionable remark, any untoward joke, any awkward facial expression may be recorded and broadcast. 

9. VERISIMILAR (ADJECTIVE): open, likely

Synonyms: inclined, sensitive Antonyms: unsusceptible, unlikely

Example Sentence:

Charming, but in no proper sense of the word natural or verisimilar.

10. WHITTLE (VERB): cut away at; reduce

Synonyms: lessen, erode Antonyms: enlarge, increase

Example Sentence:

How did you whittle all that material into the final shape of the film?

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