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Vocabulary Words - 22.08.2015

Bankers Guru
1. ERUDITION (NOUN): higher education

Synonyms: refinement, cultivation Antonyms: ignorance 

Example Sentence:

Your lack of erudition as a college graduate indicates that you have acquired little knowledge.

2. SUBORN (VERB): incite to commit crime

Synonyms: bribe, instigate Antonyms: prevent, discourage

Example Sentence:

It is they who suborn our press and blind the eyes of our people.


Synonyms: partial, prejudicial Antonyms: fair

Example Sentence:

Oh, at this distance almost any answer is likely to be tendentious.

4. VERBIAGE (NOUN): repetition, wordiness

Synonyms: circumlocution, floridity Antonyms: conciseness

Example Sentence:

Political correctness was not part of her vocabulary, but anti-Semitic verbiage was.

5. ATONEMENT (NOUN): compensation

Synonyms: penance, reparation Antonyms: dissatisfaction

Example Sentence:

If done, it could be offered as a partial atonement for her wastefulness in throwing away her inheritance of grand game.

6. COMPLAISANCE (NOUN): agreeableness

Synonyms: compliance, deference Antonyms: dishonor, disagreement 

Example Sentence:

“Your complaisance does credit to your good nature, sir,” exclaimed the old man.

7. REPROOF (NOUN): censure

Synonyms: blame, criticism Antonyms: agreement, approval 

Example Sentence:

There were tears in the poor girl's voice, and she evidently felt her brother's reproof keenly.

8. TUTELARY (ADJECTIVE): protecting 

Synonyms: guardian, advisory Antonyms: careless, inattentive

Example Sentence:

It is commonly believed that the negro claims the power of coercing his tutelary deity. 

9. IMPORTUNE (VERB): demand, insist

Synonyms: appeal, beseech Antonyms: refuse, please

Example Sentence:

I must obey you at the city gate; but I will importune you here.

10. TOADY (VERB): sycophant

Synonyms: adulator, bootlicker Antonyms: master

Example Sentence:

I guess they got you up here simply to make you toady to them.

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