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Vocabulary Words - 24.08.2015

Bankers Guru

1. INSCRUTABILITY (NOUN): ignorance; mystery

Synonyms: concealment, denseness

Antonyms: revelation, brightness 

Example Sentence:

She prepares for her whirlwind, worldwide fashion week tour with inscrutability and perfectionism.

2. INTRACTABILITY (NOUN): unruliness

Synonyms: boldness, audacity Antonyms: modesty, caution

Example Sentence:

We can admit the intractability of depravation, and still strive for dignity.

3. UNDERGIRD (VERB): hold up

Synonyms: bolster, reinforce Antonyms: undermine, weaken

Example Sentence:

To the contrary, he views them as essential to restoring the economic strength that must undergird that power.

4. SERE (ADJECTIVE): burned

Synonyms: parched, scorched Antonyms: freeze, grow

Example Sentence:

There is no sere and yellow leaf here—fruits and flowers are perennial.

5. SHARD (NOUN): end

Synonyms: particle, remnant Antonyms: whole, base

Example Sentence:

Shard glass from the historic church was recently donated to the museum, which is scheduled to open in 2015.


Synonyms: healing, palliative 

Example Sentence:

A useful liniment for this disorder may be made of two ounces of emollient ointment, and half an ounce of laudanum.

7. INERRANT (ADJECTIVE): unerring, dependable

Synonyms: authoritative, flawless Antonyms: faulty, imperfect 

Example Sentence:

We believe prophecies, not because history has measured up to them, but we believe them because they are the inerrant Word of God.

8. QUIBBLE (NOUN): objection, complaint 

Synonyms: nicety, artifice Antonyms: approval, honesty

Example Sentence:

Health care is complicated but everything except the tax issue is a quibble or a red herring. 


Synonyms: praising, complimentary Antonyms: critical, censuring

Example Sentence:

The object of his discourse was a panegyric of himself and a satire on all other conjurors.

10. PRESAGE (NOUN): prediction, indication

Synonyms: apprehension, augury Antonyms: certainty, belief

Example Sentence:

From quotes Clinton a lot, and he credits Clinton with saying that an intellectual resurgence has to presage political power.

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