1. PRUDISH (ADJECTIVE): shy and strict in behavior
Synonyms: fastidious, narrow minded
Antonyms: extroverted, outgoing
Example Sentence:
Conservative women who dare to run for office are simultaneously attacked as sleazy and prudish.
2. STIPPLE (VERB): dapple
Synonyms: carve, paint
Example Sentence:
The stipple manner of engraving was a curious development of the art.
3. DEIGN (VERB): lower oneself
Synonyms: condescend, consent Antonyms: oppose, refuse
Example Sentence:
Should we be grateful for whatever music they deign to release and grade them on a curve because of it?
4. PRETERNATURAL (ADJECTIVE): unusual, abnormal
Synonyms: aberrant, extraordinary Antonyms: regular, normal
Example Sentence:
He presided over the preternatural creation of 30 million new jobs—and the sharpest rise in median incomes in a generation.
5. LEVEE (NOUN): embankment
Synonyms: dam, mound
Example Sentence:
Only when government scientists determine there is a risk of flooding will the middle of the levee be put in place.
6. ABUT (VERB): touch or be next to something
Synonyms: adjoin, border on Antonyms: separate, divide
Example Sentence:
There is some debate about how this will affect clinics that abut sidewalks or public streets.
7. PARENTHESIS (NOUN): digression
Synonyms: aside, departure Antonyms: accord, agreement
Example Sentence:
The parenthesis in the description of this view has been spoken of.
8. TAMP (VERB): fill to overflowing; compress
Synonyms: overcrowd, load Antonyms: abstain, diet
Example Sentence:
What will he do if the populist rage he refused to quell or failed to tamp town turns more sinister?
Synonyms: immaterial, meagre Antonyms: significant, major
Example Sentence:
The administration enthusiastically traded winning the future for a picayune present gain.
10. VERITABLE (ADJECTIVE): authentic
Synonyms: actual, genuine Antonyms: fake, false
Example Sentence:
His speech was a veritable tirade against everyone who is not an immediate supporter.