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English For PO/CLERK : 04.09.2015

Bankers Guru
Q.1-10. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

                    As the Indian Parliament completes 60 years, it is time not for noisy celebration but for serious introspection. That India remained a parliamentary democracy while some of its South Asian neighbours went through military coups or violent upheavals can only be a small consolation to its people. Stability is of no great value in itself. After 60 years, the question to ask is whether the debates in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha have adequately reflected the will of the people, whether the law-making powers of Parliament have contributed to the creation of a freer, fairer and more just society. Evidently, the score-sheet shows mixed results on these counts. Meaningful debates over marathon sessions have been few and far between in the last six decades. In contrast, disruptions and slogan-shouting over any number of frivolous issues have been frequent. Too often, a boisterous few have held the whole of Parliament hostage. A case in point is the Women’s Reservation Bill: over several years, a small section of the two Houses has been able to physically stall the bill, which on paper enjoys the support of the overwhelming majority of MPs. Forcing adjournment of the proceedings through high-decibel interventions and demonstrations is a common enough occurrence in the Lok Sabha as well as the Rajya Sabha. Not surprisingly, the impetus for progressive change in the last few decades has often come from the wider civil society with Parliament shown up as reactive and passive.
                    Also, after 60 years and 15 national general elections, India’s Parliament is nowhere close to being truly representative. Thanks to seats reserved for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, and the political mobilisation of the backward classes on the basis of reservation benefits, members are now drawn from different social strata. But women and Muslims are under-represented, and the rich continue to dominate India’s law-making bodies. With the cost of fighting elections spiralling, businessmen, the landed gentry and highly-paid professionals are entering Parliament in increasing numbers, alongside leaders of trade unions. This, no doubt, skews the debates too. Since the adoption of the Constitution, India has moved decisively towards a multi-party system, with laws such as the one to prevent defection restricting inner-party dissent even while curbing horse-trading. Thus, power is still concentrated in the hands of a few, with the role of the public limited to voting in governments every five years or so. India’s people need to be an active part of the political process before they can be the agents of change, and the masters of their own destiny. Six decades on, the task of shaping a truly representative Parliament must be taken up in earnest.

Q.1.  Which of the following recommendations has the author given to people in order to make their own destiny?
(1) They should encourage people from backward classes to come forward
(2) They should become actively involved in the political process
(3) They should get involved in social welfare activities
(4) They should have firm belief in the present political system
(5) All of these

Q.2.  Which of the following is TRUE , according to the passage?
(1) India has , so far seen , 14 general elections.
(2) India’s parliament is representative of all social strata.
(3) It seems that only some rule the parliament by shouting and disruptions.
(4) In India, power is equally distributed among all people
(5) India has a single-party system in politics

Q.3. Which of the following has/ have a low representation in the parliament?
A. Backward classes       B. Muslims                C.  Businessmen            D.  Women          
(1) Only A and B   (2) Only C and D  (3) Only A and B  (4) Only B and D  (5) None of these

Q.4.     Which of the following has been frequent in the Parliament?
(1) Disturbances and shouting over trivial issues.
(2) Spending money on luxuries
(3) Debates on social issues
(4) Discussion over the problems faced by the country
(5) None of these

Q.5.     What is meant by ‘ high-decibel interventions’ , as mentioned in the passage?

(1) High ideals   

(2) Moral behaviour   

(3) Noisy disturbances   

(4) Practical problems             

(5) None of these

Q.6.     How many decades have passed since the constitution came to force?

(1) Four                (2) Eight              (3) Three              (4) Five                (5) Six

Q.7-8. Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

Q.7.     Upheavals

(1) Alteration        (2) Calamity   (3) Political ordering     (4) Collapse     (5) Social disturbances

Q.8.     Will   
 (1) Aims               (2) Discipline       (3) Wish               (4) Decision         (5) Pleasure

Q.9-10. Choose the word which is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

Q.9.     Frivolous

(1) Serious           (2) Trivial             (3) Superficial      (4) Pointless        (5) Volatile

Q.10.     Dissent

 (1) Ascent            (2) Disapproval    (3) Hassle            (4) Assent            (5) Objection


Q.1.(2) Q.2.(3) Q.3.(4) Q.4.(1) Q.5.(3)

Q.6.(5) Q.7.(5) Q.8.(3) Q.9.(1) Q.10.(4)

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