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English For PO/CLERK : 09.09.2015

Bankers Guru
Q.1-10. In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is like a software code used to manage the rights of copyright owners when any copyrighted material like books or songs are (1) digitally. Unlike natural (2) built into the dissemination of hard copies, digital (3) of copyrighted materials is quicker and easier. Hence, copyright holders use DRM (4) as a self-help measure to (5) unauthorised and bulk digital dissemination of copyrighted (6).

These days, for instance, software comes (7) with inbuilt DRM programmes that tie it to a (8) number of users or devices. A user who buys legal software cannot give a copy to a friend — the DRM ties the software to a single device or user. Similarly, DRM technology in modern DVD players — termed as Content Scramble System (CSS) — prevents users from (9) the content. Even if a user copies a DVD, the disc will not (10) in a regular DVD player.

Q.1. (1) transmitted (2) addressed (3) borne (4) broadcast (5) conducted

Q.2. (1) definition (2) blocked (3) controlled (4) limitations (5) modification

Q.3. (1) radiation (2) dissemination (3) notion (4) suspension (5) session

Q.4. (1) processed (2) knowledgeable (3) technology (4) trial (5) livelihood

Q.5. (1) hollow (2) prevent (3) surprise (4) resound (5) placate

Q.6. (1) action (2) appreciable (3) incarnation (4) adjustment (5) materials

Q.7. (1) equipped (2) focus (3) liberation (4) attire (5) supplies

Q.8. (1) confined (2) appointed (3) limited (4) assign (5) inhibit

Q.9. (1) counterfeit (2) forgery (3) miniature (4) studious (5) copying

Q.10. (1) play (2) shoot (3) shows (4) wonder (5) collect












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