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Reasoning Ability For IBPS-PO/MT-V- Pre Exam : 15.09.2015

Bankers Guru
Q.1-3. Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below-

In a certain code, "more package in company" is written as "mb li aa tm", "share in company profit" is written as "hp tm je li", "getting more profit today" is written as "su je mb ka" and "today the company achieve" is written as "do li yo su".

Q.1. Which of the following is the code for ‘achieve’?

(1) su

(2) li

(3) yo

(4) do

(5) yo or do

Q.2. Which of the following can be the code for ‘more you share?

(1) yo mb hp

(2) wi mb do

(3) mb hp wi

(4) je hp wi

(5) hp mb do

Q.3. ‘tm ka li aa’ is a code for which of the following?

(1) share more in company

(2) in getting company package 

(3) getting package a company

(4) the achieve in profit

(5) today share more achieve


Q.1. (5)

Q.2. (3)

Q.3. (2)

Q.4-8. Data Sufficiency

Q.4. In a five storey building, consisting of floors numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The ground floor is numbered 1, the floor above it is numbered 2 and so on. There are five persons K, J, I, H and G, each living on a different floor. On which of the following floors does H live?

I. H lives between the floors on which G and I live.

II. There are three floors between G and J’s floors.


I. G/I, H, G/I

II. G/J-------three-------G/J

I+II. G H I K J and J K I H G

Q.5. How is ‘ignore’ written in the code language?

I. ‘happy to ignore you’ is written as ‘4713’ and do you ignore that’ is written as ‘2184’ in the code language.

II. ‘always pray you happy’ is written as ‘1397’ and ‘happy I feel good’ is written as ‘6578’ in the code language.


Q.6. Five friends Z, Y, X, H and V are sitting around a circular table and facing towards the centre, who sits to the immediate left of X?

I. Z sits third to the right of Y. V is not an immediate neighbour of Y.

II. Y is an immediate neighbour of X.


Q.7. Is Jiya the wife of Raj?

I. Jiya’s daughter Meera is the only sister of Rahul. 

II. The mother of Gita has only one grandson Raj.


Q.8. Among K, J, I, H and G, which bag is the lightest?

I. K’s bag is heavier than J’s bag. I’s bag is as heavy as J’s bag. G’s bag is lighter than I’s bag.

II. H’s bag is lighter than J’s bag but heavier than G’s bag.


Q.9-10. Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below.

9 W J Q N @ 2 B E 4 * M % R 3 Z # 7 U $ A Y 5 I P G

Q.9. Which of the following is the 5th to the left of the 18th from the left end of the above arrangement?

(1) J (2) 4 (3) M (4) % (5) Other than these options


L 18 – L5 = L13 = %

Q.10. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a symbol and immediately followed by a number?

(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three


9 W J Q N @ 2 B E 4 * M % R 3 Z # 7 U $ A Y 5 I P G

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