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Vocabulary - 03.09.2015

Bankers Guru

1. AMASS (VERB): gather, accumulate

Synonyms: collect, assemble 

Antonyms: disperse, scatter 

Example Sentence:

Each official during his tenure of office expected to recover his initial outlay, and amass a small fortune besides.

2. DISCREET (ADJECTIVE): cautious, sensible

Synonyms: attentive, careful Antonyms: careless, heedless

Example Sentence:

I take pride in being honest, sincere, compassionate, funny, discreet and friendly.


Synonyms: disastrous, ruinous Antonyms: advantageous, fortunate

Example Sentence:

It was the cataclysmic collision of spitfire upstart performer, brilliant pop song, and cheeky music video.


Synonyms: primitive, prehistoric Antonyms: modern, new

Example Sentence:

By now a calm had settled over him, a kind of primordial survival instinct, he believes.

5. TEMPER (NOUN): state of mind

Synonyms: attitude, disposition Antonyms: wrath, happiness

Example Sentence:

The only problem is when they let their temper get the better of them and they do something they later regret.

6. TALISMAN (NOUN): lucky charm

Synonyms: fetish, juju Antonyms: unlucky

Example Sentence:

She kept a copy of The Ambassadors as a talisman on her writing desk when she was working for seven years on her novel Trust.

7. NUANCE (NOUN): slight difference; shading

Synonyms: distinction, gradation Antonyms: light, information

Example Sentence:

A first draft is really just a sketch on which I add layer and dimension and shade and nuance and color.

8. NUZZLE (VERB): cuddle 

Synonyms: caress, burrow Antonyms: separate

Example Sentence:

They would push and nuzzle a man along a road, and never upset him. 

9. ABSOLUTION (NOUN): forgiveness

Synonyms: amnesty, pardon Antonyms: punishment

Example Sentence:

What drew you to South Africa as the setting for absolution?

10. ENSCONCE (VERB): hide; tuck away

Synonyms: situate, stash Antonyms: depart, displace

Example Sentence:

Amazingly, incredibly to him, this grown woman appeared about to ensconce herself.

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