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Vocabulary - 05.09.2015

Bankers Guru

1. AMAROIDAL (ADJECTIVE): bitter, sour to taste

Synonyms: pungent, stinging 

Antonyms: delicious, savory 

Example Sentence:

Its sharp white teeth gleamed in the gaping red mouth, and I could feel its hot breath fierce and amaroidal upon me.

2. EPISTLE (NOUN): letter

Synonyms: message, communication 

Example Sentence:

The thought of the unity of the Church is very prominent in this epistle.

3. LANCE (VERB): pierce

Synonyms: penetrate, bore Antonyms: close, mend

Example Sentence:

So thick is the skin, that a bayonet is almost the only weapon which can lance it.

4. TERSE (ADJECTIVE): brief, short

Synonyms: concise, precise Antonyms: lengthy, verbose 

Example Sentence:

"I did not notice any sign that you did," was the terse response.

5. DEBILITY (NOUN): incapacity, weakness

Synonyms: exhaustion, frailty Antonyms: vigor, healthiness

Example Sentence:

Here, to recover from a state of debility thus produced, a year's rustication has been found necessary.

6. RESPLENDENT (ADJECTIVE): bright, radiant

Synonyms: blazing, glittering Antonyms: ugly, dark

Example Sentence:

The house was deserted, he was certain of that—the melancholy wreckage of a vanished and resplendent time.


Synonyms: curative, remedial Antonyms: harmful, injurious

Example Sentence:

Moreover, new research suggests that Furosemide may have no therapeutic value at all.

8. DEBUNK (VERB): disprove, ridicule 

Synonyms: disparage, mock Antonyms: flatter, praise

Example Sentence:

Part of what I was trying to do was debunk what people view as the golden ages. 

9. EPITOMIZE (VERB): typify

Synonyms: exemplify, personify Antonyms: obscure, reverse

Example Sentence:

Smart and ambitious, he seemed to epitomize the success of that northern migration experienced by millions of southern blacks.

10. HIDEBOUND (ADJECTIVE): intolerant

Synonyms: averse, biased Antonyms: fair, impartial

Example Sentence:

He comes from a part of the country that's not as hidebound by caste as this country.

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