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Vocabulary - 09.09.2015

Bankers Guru

1. DEFERENCE (NOUN): obedience, compliance

Synonyms: yielding, docility 

Antonyms: fight, disregard 

Example Sentence:

I enjoyed that combination of deference and the respect being paid to teacher.

2. DELPHIC (ADJECTIVE): secret; obscure in meaning

Synonyms: ambiguous, vague Antonyms: certain, definite 

Example Sentence:

Like all prophecies, it was somewhat Delphic; but he could get the general drift.

3. HOARY (ADJECTIVE): ancient

Synonyms: age-old, time-worn Antonyms: new

Example Sentence:

The idea is an old one—or as the irritable Economist magazine calls it, “hoary.”


Synonyms: classy, luxurious Antonyms: inferior, unstylish 

Example Sentence:

In the twenty-three years of his life, every gift that money could swanky had been his.

5. DOPEY (ADJECTIVE): stupid

Synonyms: dumb, silly Antonyms: brainy, smart

Example Sentence:

You probably will, dopey, but you'll never rob us of this memory.

6. TOME (NOUN): large, scholarly book

Synonyms: novel, opus 

Example Sentence:

And when you've completed your tome, hopefully it will show up on the bestseller table at the Strand.

7. ESPOUSE (VERB): stand up for; support

Synonyms: adopt, embrace Antonyms: desert, reject

Example Sentence:

They have also supported conservative family groups that espouse a traditional Christian view of marriage.

8. HONE (VERB): sharpen 

Synonyms: grind, whet Antonyms: blunt, dull

Example Sentence:

Hunting and fishing to hone the skills my father and grandfather passed onto me. 

9. OBVIATE (VERB): make unnecessary

Synonyms: counteract, preclude Antonyms: support, permit

Example Sentence:

But shall we, to obviate these evils, completely transpose their conditions?

10. POSEUR (NOUN): pretender

Synonyms: imposter, mimic Antonyms: real

Example Sentence:

Poet and poseur he was, the strangest combination ever seen in man.

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