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Vocabulary - 11.09.2015

Bankers Guru

1. ALIBI (NOUN): defense against charges of wrongdoing; evidence of absence

Synonyms: excuse, justification

Antonyms: denial, question 

Example Sentence:

The complaint alleges the lunch was merely to establish an alibi.


Synonyms: beam, post 

Example Sentence:

It seemed to him he remained there precariously alone with the stanchion for a long, 

long time.

3. TRANSCRIBE (NOUN): transfer to another medium

Synonyms: decipher, interpret Antonyms: ignore, avoid

Example Sentence:

We could make copies of these digital files on our computers and transcribe anywhere anytime we wanted.

4. EXACERBATE (VERB): infuriate; make worse

Synonyms: annoy, worsen Antonyms: alleviate, appease 

Example Sentence:

By bringing in further low skilled immigrants, we'll only exacerbate an existing problem.


Synonyms: disgraceful, shameful Antonyms: respectable

Example Sentence:

She too lived in the ignominious position of an upper servant hated by the master above and the class beneath.

6. RUSE (NOUN): trick, deception

Synonyms: gimmick, feint Antonyms: honesty, truth

Example Sentence:

The ruse worked and her attendance at the party went unreported.

7. SACCHARIN (NOUN): sugar substitute

Synonyms: sucralose, aspartame 

Example Sentence:

And the beauty of saccharin, he confided to the others, is that it stays with you.

8. DECIDUOUS (ADJECTIVE): not around for long 

Synonyms: brief, fleeting Antonyms: lasting, enduring

Example Sentence:

The tree is a handsome one, with broad velvety bright green leaves, deciduous during the winter months. 

9. DUSKY (ADJECTIVE): dark-hued; murky

Synonyms: bleak, cloudy Antonyms: bright, clear

Example Sentence:

It was nearly dark, but not quite, for the covered embers still sent out a dusky glow.

10. LOBBYIST (NOUN): special interest representative

Synonyms: activist, powerbroker 

Example Sentence:

A lobbyist only needs to call in one favor to block a bill or an appointment indefinitely.

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