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Vocabulary - 12.09.2015

Bankers Guru

1. PRECARIOUS (ADJECTIE): Vtricky, doubtful

Synonyms: problematic, unsteady

Antonyms: guarded, protected 

Example Sentence:

At first glance, his position on the witness stand looks the most precarious.

2. GNOSTIC (ADJECTIVE): discriminating

Synonyms: astute, insightful Antonyms: idiotic, unaware 

Example Sentence:

The name gnostic originally attached to schools which had so named themselves.

3. BUTTERFLIES (NOUN): worry, tension

Synonyms: panic, nervousness Antonyms: peace, contentment

Example Sentence:

Friends have been metamorphosing like butterflies, healing bad habits and addictions.

4. TRINKET (NOUN): knickknack

Synonyms: gadget, bauble 

Example Sentence:

It looked like a copper pull-chain from an old lamp, with a trinket attached that could have come from a cereal box.

5. EXEGESIS (NOUN): interpretation

Synonyms: analysis, explanation Antonyms: question

Example Sentence:

Almost all Christians, even most textualists, accept the need for exegesis, synthesis, and theological application.

6. IMMUTABLE (ADJECTIVE): unchangeable

Synonyms: inflexible, abiding Antonyms: alterable, changeable

Example Sentence:

How could you believe him constant and immutable, after what happened to me?

7. PRECEPT (NOUN): law, rule of behavior, action

Synonyms: canon, dogma Antonyms: ambiguity, unbelief

Example Sentence:

They are mostly in the form of precept and command, as was only likely, since they were intended for the guidance of conduct.

8. ORDAIN (VERB): establish, install 

Synonyms: appoint, enact Antonyms: veto, refuse

Example Sentence:

She no longer had any question for that which he chose to ordain. 

9. PRECINCT (NOUN): subdivision

Synonyms: district, ward Antonyms: whole

Example Sentence:

Every man, when he goes into a ward or precinct, should be registered.

10. SALLOW (ADJECTIVE): pale, unhealthy

Synonyms: dull, pasty Antonyms: healthy, colourful

Example Sentence:

This John is sickly and sallow, his body lacking plasticity.

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