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Vocabulary - 14.09.2015

Bankers Guru
1. SALUBRIOUS (ADJECTIVE): health-giving

Synonyms: beneficial, good 

Antonyms: unwholesome, unhealthy 

Example Sentence:

I assume the salubrious desert climate wasn't the attraction.

2. PRECIPICE (NOUN): face or brink of a rock, mountain

Synonyms: bluff, cliff 

Example Sentence:

We always seem to be on the precipice of falling back into recession.

3. IRRESOLUTENESS (NOUN): hesitation

Synonyms: delay, doubt Antonyms: confidence, faith

Example Sentence:

There was nothing more to say--time pressed--yet I lingered dumb and irresolute.


Synonyms: angry, crabby Antonyms: good-natured 

Example Sentence:

He would get too hot under the collar and be snappish, afterwards.

5. AWOL (NOUN): state of not being present

Synonyms: hooky, truancy Antonyms: existence, presence

Example Sentence:

During a moment of crisis, the traitor was AWOL, sending the wrong signal to both countries alike.


Synonyms: abusive, disdainful Antonyms: appreciative, favorable

Example Sentence:

If I had been bred in the east, I should be tempted to say it was a contumelious responsibility.

7. EMBLEMATIZE (VERB): represent; materialize

Synonyms: demonstrate, exemplify Antonyms: hide, obscure

Example Sentence:

Serpents and dragons 82 entwine on the lintels, and emblematize the Church's power to overcome.

8. IMPECUNIOUS (ADJECTIVE): poverty-stricken 

Synonyms: penniless, indigent Antonyms: wealthy, rich

Example Sentence:

I went back to that gruesome hostelry and wrote an article on 'impecunious Life in London.' 

9. AMBULATORY (ADJECTIVE): changing position; able to move under own power

Synonyms: vagabond, roving Antonyms: settled, steady

Example Sentence:

If it's dead, it's undead, like the culture at large: ambulatory in the age of Twilight.

10. CAPACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): ample, extensive

Synonyms: abundant, roomy Antonyms: small, squeezed

Example Sentence:

Yet I doubt that she will become a capacious judge with wide-ranging interests and intense curiosity

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