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Vocabulary - 16.09.2015

Bankers Guru

1. LUMMOX (NOUN): oaf

Synonyms: beast, boor 

Antonyms: brain, genius 

Example Sentence:

The lummox rose to her feet with a broad grin and permitted herself to be taken out.

2. TINSEL (NOUN): particular type of embellishment

Synonyms: finery, design Antonyms: plainness, eyesore 

Example Sentence:

His exuberant style is Venetian; it is velvet and brocade, which he bestrews with tinsel 

and spangles.

3. PRECOCIOUS (ADJECTIVE): exceptionally smart, ahead of age in understanding

Synonyms: bright, cocky Antonyms: stupid, unintelligent

Example Sentence:

The children are precocious and cute and the whole thing is freaking adorable.

4. VILENESS (NOUN): horribleness

Synonyms: depravity, evilness Antonyms: delight, esteem 

Example Sentence:

Having been a spy himself,' he was a good judge of the vileness of the office.

5. FORLORN (ADJECTIVE): hopeless, inconsolable

Synonyms: depressed, despondent Antonyms: cheerful, elated

Example Sentence:

He looked as forlorn as might be expected of a retired cop who finds himself the one behind bars.


Synonyms: inattentive reckless Antonyms: concerned, thoughtful

Example Sentence:

The cellphone records show an irreflective trail of negotiations between the men and the girls.


Synonyms: crimson, blood-soaked 

Example Sentence:

There were ten sanguinary persecutions, some being atrocious.

8. ABECEDARIAN (NOUN): beginner 

Synonyms: learner, neophyte Antonyms: expert, professional

Example Sentence:

A man may always study, but he must not always go to school what a contemptible thing is an old abecedarian! 

9. SIMPATICO (NOUN): liking or inclination toward something

Synonyms: affection, closeness Antonyms: dislike, hatred

Example Sentence:

In the Italian phrase the whole place was simpatico; it repeated and crooned over to everyone the mood in which he came to it.

10. DRUB (VERB): thrash

Synonyms: spank, trounce Antonyms: fail, lose

Example Sentence:

At rehearsal he used frequently to drub his former mistress.

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