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Vocabulary - 18.09.2015

Bankers Guru

1. PREEMINENT (ADJECTIVE): most important; superior

Synonyms: renowned, ultimate 

Antonyms: minor, ordinary 

Example Sentence:

He thought it would make people mad, and his preference was to be preeminent in news.

2. SARDONIC (ADJECTIVE): sarcastic

Synonyms: caustic, mocking Antonyms: calm, kind 

Example Sentence:

Now, with her worldly wisdom and her bitter knowledge of love, she found herself 

regarding the situation with sardonic humour.

3. UNALLOYED (ADJECTIVE): authentic, real

Synonyms: absolute, certain Antonyms: dubious, unsure

Example Sentence:

Given how it all played out, this cannot have been an occasion for him of unalloyed joy.

4. CAUCUS (NOUN): group gathered to make decision

Synonyms: meeting, session 

Example Sentence:

It is felt in every caucus, in every nominating convention and at every election.

5. CRUMBLE (VERB): break or fall into pieces

Synonyms: collapse, crush Antonyms: build, improve

Example Sentence:

This is not a documentary for the young to watch, or even for those adults who crumble easily.

6. ANNOTATION (NOUN): explanatory note

Synonyms: glossary, comment Antonyms: neglect, blank

Example Sentence:

The annotation of books was not a common practice then, nor has it been since.

7. INCESSANT (ADJECTIVE): never-ending, persistent

Synonyms: ceaseless, constant Antonyms: ending, halting

Example Sentence:

Now she speaks in incessant streams, full of ideas free of punctuation.

8. APPANAGE (NOUN): endowment 

Synonyms: privilege, right Antonyms: detriment

Example Sentence:

It was enough for him that an appanage of Royalty had said that someday, perhaps, he would give him his gold cap. 

9. SAVANT (NOUN): scholar

Synonyms: intellectual, learner Antonyms: amateur, ignoramus

Example Sentence:

A comparison reveals that the one author is not a cook while the other is not a savant.

10. INGRATIATING (ADJECTIVE): fawning, servile

Synonyms: charming, humble Antonyms: deterring, disgusting

Example Sentence:

He could be petty and mean-spirited to subordinates, ingratiating and sycophantic to bosses and celebrities.

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