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Vocabulary - 19.09.2015

Bankers Guru

1. KINDRED (ADJECTIVE): corresponding, matching

Synonyms: cognate, parallel 

Antonyms: dissimilar, irrelevant 

Example Sentence:

A kindred line of thought produced a very similar misunderstanding of poetry.

2. PANEGYRIZE (VERB): honour

Synonyms: acclaim, admire Antonyms: criticize, debase 

Example Sentence:

The show ran for five seasons, earning both popularity and panegyrize in the process.

3. NOCUOUS (ADJECTIVE): dangerous

Synonyms: damaging, deadly Antonyms: favourable, positive

Example Sentence:

New research reveals that proteins in wheat may be nocuous to all humans.

4. INCIPIENT (ADJECTIVE): developing

Synonyms: embryonic, nascent Antonyms: grown, mature 

Example Sentence:

It seems inarguable that the donation has something to do with the incipient arrival of the unflattering film.

5. PALISADE (NOUN): fortification

Synonyms: barrier, cliff 

Example Sentence:

There is a gateway through this palisade where you can go in.

6. ENFEEBLE (VERB): make very weak

Synonyms: blunt, attenuate Antonyms: invigorate, encourage

Example Sentence:

There is no money in the treasury, and so they enfeeble her instead of strengthening.

7. GUZZLE (VERB): drink down fast

Synonyms: gobble, imbibe Antonyms: abstain, sip

Example Sentence:

If you think you can stay out half the night, and guzzle beer, and then come here to get me up, you can think again.

8. EXTRADITE (VERB): send to another place by force 

Synonyms: abandon, arrest Antonyms: hold, keep

Example Sentence:

Do you think we could ever extradite him from such a planet? 

9. LEERY (ADJECTIVE): suspicious

Synonyms: dubious, unsure Antonyms: clear, definite

Example Sentence:

Many were leery of sending their children to school before they were sure it was completely safe.

10. MAGNATE (NOUN): important person, usually in business

Synonyms: aristocrat, tycoon Antonyms: unknown, nonentity

Example Sentence:

She is the only daughter of a magnate who is ten times as rich as you.

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