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Computer Knowledge For IBPS-PO/CLERK- Exam : 19.10.2015

Bankers Guru

Computer Knowledge For IBPS-PO/CLERK- Examination

1. What does it mean if a device is ergonomic?

(1) It is upgradeable.

(2) It is environmentally friendly.

(3) It is compatible with multiple platforms.

(4) It is designed to be comfortable to use.

(5) It is not environmentally friendly.

Ans. (2) The goal of ergonomics is to create an environment that is well-suited to a user's physical needs.

2. Which of the following items are examples of storage devices?

(1) Floppy

(2) Hard disks

(3) CD-ROMs

(4) Tape devices

(5) All of the above

Ans. (5) All are example of storage device.

3. ASCII and EBCDIC are the popular character coding systems. What does ASCII stand for?

(1) American Stable Code for International Interchange

(2) American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange

(3) American Standard Case for Instruction Interchange

(4) American Standard Code for Interchange Information

(5) American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Ans. (5) American Standard Code for Information Interchange

4. Which of the following is not an example of Application layer?

(1) SNMP

(2) Telnet

(3) HTTP

(4) FTP

(5) TCP

Ans. (5) TCP is an example of Transport Layer.

5. What are three types of networks?






Ans. (4) Three types of networks are LAN MAN and WAN.

6. What is phishing?

(1) A computer virus

(2) A corrupt website

(3) A distribution of spam

(4) An identity theft scheme

(5) An antivirus

Ans. (4) Phishing is a term used to describe a malicious individual or group of individuals who scam users.

7. Which of the below is not a type of printer?

(1) Bubble Jet printer

(2) LED printer

(3) Thermal printer

(4) Microwave printer

(5) Line Printer

Ans. (4) Microwave printer is not a type of printer.

8. Which of the below is a type of memory that cannot have information written to it?

(1) DRAM

(2) RAM

(3) ROM

(4) SRAM

(5) All

Ans. (3) ROM (Read Only Memory) is a type of memory that cannot have information written to it.
9. IP is an abbreviation for which of the following?

(1) Internet Printer

(2) Internet Ping

(3) Internet Person

(4) Internet Protocol

(5) Internet Packet

Ans. (4) IP stands for Internet Protocol.

10. Which of the following is not a search engine?

(1) Google

(2) Bing

(3) Amazon

(4) Yahoo

(5) DuckDuckGo

Ans. (3) Amazon is not a search engine.

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