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Computer Knowledge For IBPS-PO/CLERK- Exam : 24.10.2015

Bankers Guru
Computer Knowledge For IBPS-PO/CLERK- Examination

1. …………….. is the program that manages CPU, memory, storage devices and input/output devices.

(1) Super system 

(2) Application software

(3) Operating system 

(4) Control system

(5) Operating Software

Ans. (3) Operating System is the program that manages CPU, memory, storage devices and input/output devices.

2. What combination of short cut keys will you use to change a text in upper case to lower case in MS Word?

(1) Ctrl+L 

(2) Shift+F3

(3) Ctrl+Shift+A 

(4) Shift+Alt+F5

(5) Ctrl + F3

Ans. (2) you will use Shift + F3 to change a text in upper case to lower case in MS Word.

3. Match the following:

(a) Create (i) The E-R Model

(b) Select (ii) Relationship Model

(c) Rectangle (iii) DDL

(d) Record (iv) DML


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(1) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(3) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

(4) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

(5) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Ans. (1) Create for DDL, Select for DML, Rectangle for E-R Model and Record for relationship Mod

4. A program that runs in parts on several computers is said to be ……………..

(1) delegated 

(2) spread

(3) distributed 

(4) real time

(5) threaded

Ans. (3) A program that runs in parts on several computers is said to be distributed.

5. A …………. is a collection of data that is stored electronically as a series of records in a table.

(1) spreadsheet 

(2) presentation

(3) database 

(4) MS Word

(5) MS Outlook

Ans. (3) A Database is a collection of data that is stored electronically as a series of records in a table.

6. Changing an existing document is called …………. the document.

(1) editing 

(2) modifying

(3) adjusting 

(4) creating

(5) renaming

Ans. (1) Changing an existing document is called editing the document.

7. The hardware device commonly referred to as the ‘brain’ of the Computer is the ……….…

(1) RAM chip 

(2) data input

(3) CPU 

(4) secondary storage

(5) Motherboard 

Ans. (3). The hardware device commonly referred to as the ‘brain’ of the Computer is the CPU.

8. What function does the laser in a laser printer perform?

(1) It burns text and images into the paper.

(2) It fires at the surface of a photoreceptor.

(3) It transforms ink into different shades and colors.

(4) It heats the toner cartridge before the ink is applied to the paper.

(5) All of the above

Ans. (2) A laser printer is a printer that uses a focused beam or light to transfer text and images onto paper.

9. Which of the following programs is not a web browser?

(1) Safari 

(2) Chrome

(3) Internet Explorer

(4) Firebird

(5) Opera

Ans. (4) Firebird is not a web browser.

10. What component is commonly referred to as the PSU?

(1) Power supply

(2) Central processing unit

(3) Video card

(4) Motherboard

(5) Monitor

Ans. (1) A power supply is a hardware component that supplies power to an electrical device.

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