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English For PO/MT-V- Main Exam : 24.10.2015

Bankers Guru

English Language For CWE-PO/MT-V- Main Examination 

Q.1-10. In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Origami is the art of folding (1) to create shapes, without using glue or scissors. The word “Origami” is of Japanese (2) — Ori meaning “folding” and kami meaning “paper”.

At first, paper was (3), and so only the rich could afford it. For a long time, origami models and designs were used only in formal or traditional settings. Paper butterflies were used during weddings in Japan to wrap sake (rice wine) bottles.

But as paper-making techniques improved, paper became cheaper, and came within the (4) of the common man. Paper-folding for entertainment and leisure seems to have begun only at the end of the 19th century.

(5) scissors and glue were also used to give (6) to the models. But now, only folding paper is considered origami. The art consists of just a few basic (7) that are easy to learn, and with practice, you can do it effortlessly. Just using these few folds, a variety of models and shapes can be created, starting from the simplest paper crane, right down to the most (8) ones.

Origami even has practical applications. Many origami models have served as bases for mathematical study. Geometry is also taught using origami, because it is easy to (9) angles and 3D shapes when a child can observe it in models. Origami models have been used for medical and technological applications. Paper-folding is also considered relaxing, and it is used for mental and psychological (10) too.

Q.1. (1) Clothes (2)paper (3)oneself (4)used (5) newspaper

Q.2. (1) Style (2)art (3) origin (4)variety (5)setting

Q.3. (1) Expensive (2) cheap (3) excessive (4) luxurious (5) bargain

Q.4. (1) Vicinity (2) contact (3) reach (4) influence (5) dispatch

Q.5. (1) Primarily (2) obviously (3) inadvertently (4) verbally (5) initially

Q.6. (1) Shadow (2) assent (3) focus (4) shape (5) credibility

Q.7. (1) Knowledge (2) folds (3) aspects (4) rules (5) version

Q.8. (1) Desired (2) original (3) inspirational (4) sought-after (5) complex

Q.9. (1) Form (2) perception (3) construct (4) understand (5) move

Q.10. (1) Stress (2) therapy (3) studious (4) medicines (5) books


Q.1.(2) Paper 

Q.2.(3) Origin 

Q.3.(1) Expensive 

Q.4.(3) Reach 

Q.5.(5) Initially 

Q.6.(4) Shape 

Q.7.(2) Folds 

Q.8.(5) Complex 

Q.9.(4) Understand 

Q.10.(1) Stress

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