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English For PO/MT-V- Main Exam

Bankers Guru
Q.1-5. In each set below five words have been printed which are numbered (1), (2), (3),(4) and (5). One of these words may be wrongly spelt.Find out the wrongly spelt word. The number of that word is the answer.

Q.1.   There are frequent strikes by the employee’s union  to boycott work for some reason or the

                                              (1)                  (2)                          (3)          
other All correct
   (4)          (5) 
Q.2.   Living and studying in a foreign country provides the much needed xposure and

                                                                              (1)                                      (2)   

independence  to learn and experience new things All correct

       (3)                                           (4)                               (5)
Q.3.   The government had embarked on an ambitious plan to plant 100 crore trees across the state

                                              (1)                       (2)                        (3)                                 (4)
            during the monsoon All correct
Q.4.   It is time the government identified localities that need markets in consaltation with residents
                                                        (1)                              (2)                           (3)

           and local bodies All correct
                       (4)                 (5)

Q.5.   The bull which died was so terrified that it ran out of fear and was hitted by the

                          (1)                            (2)                         (3)                               (4)
           bus  All correct


Q.6-10.Which of the Phrases(1), (2) (3) and (4) given below each sentence should replace the phrases printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct. If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer.

Q.6.   Fraudsters randomly pick victims and call  it pose as bank executives offering updates and perks on their existing credit or debit cards
(1) Pose as calling                         

(2) Call for posing
(3) Call them posed as                   

(4) Call them up posing as
(5) No correction required

Q.7.  Books that will be recommendation  by maximum students will be purchased for the library
(1) Recommended of maximum students
(2) Recommended by maximum students
(3) Recommend from maximum students
(4) Recommending to maximum students
(5) No correction required

Q.8.  In the past 200 years, the country has not witnessed any great literary work that can be termed while classic
(1) Termed as classic                     

(2) Term as classical
(3) Classic termed                          

(4) Termed at classic
(5) No correction required

Q.9.  The zoo officials have increased night patrolling and installing cages to capture the tigers
(1) Night patrol and cages installed 

(2) Night patrolling but installed cages
(3) Night patrolling and installed cages                        

(4) Night patrol or cages installing
(5) No correction required

Q.10.  The fraud came to notice during the audit of the records and the employee was dismissed from the service immediately
(1) Came noticing during the audit   

(2) Came after notice during the audit
(3) Noticed during the audit             

(4) During the audit come to notice
(5) No correction required


Q.1.(2)    Employees’ should be used to mean –            of the employees

Q.2.(2)    ’Exposure’ is the correct word


Q.4.(3)    ‘Consultation’ is the correct spelling

Q.5.(4)    ‘Hit’ should be used as third form of verb ‘hit’ is ‘hit’

Q.6.(4)    ‘Call them up’ means ‘phoning them’

Q.7.(2)    After ‘will be’ third form of verb ‘recommended’ is to be used

Q.8.(1)    ‘Termed’ means ‘called’

Q.9.(3)    ‘Night patrolling’ means ‘night watch’

Q.10.(5)   ‘Came to notice ‘  means ‘was revealed’

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