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Reasoning Ability For CWE-PO/MT-V- Main Exam : 14.10.2015

Bankers Guru

Reasoning Ability For CWE-PO/MT-V- Main Examination

Q.1-5. In each questions given below, three statements are followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take three given statements to be true (even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts). Read the conclusions and decide which logically follows.

Q.1. Statements: All car are scooter. Some bike are scooter. No truck is car.

Conclusions: I. At least some car are not bike. 

II. It is a possibility that all car are truck.

III. No bike is truck .

IV. At least some scooter are truck.

(1) None follows. 
(2) Only I follows. 

(3) Only II and IV follow 
(4) Only IV follows

(5) Only I and III follow.

Q.2. Statements: Some musician are artist. No artist is painter. Some painter are musician.

Conclusions: I. The musician who are artist are not painter.

II. It is a possibility that all musician are painter.

III. At least some painter are artist.

IV. It is a possibility that some musicians are not painter.

(1) None follows 
(2) Only I follows 
(3) Only II follows  

(4) Only III and IV follow 
(5) None of these

Q.3. Statements: All cricketers are bowlers. All bowlers are fielder. No fielder is player.

Conclusions: I. Some players are cricketers. 

II. It is a possibility that all fielder are bowler.

III. It is a possibility that all bowler are player.

IV. At least some fielder are cricketer.

(1) Only I and II follow 
(2) Only III follows 
(3) Only II and IV follow 
(4) All follows 

(5) None of these

Q.4. Statements: Some men are wolf. All wolf are hungry. All hungry are thirsty.

Conclusions: I. Some men are thirsty.

II. It is a possibility that some hungry are thirsty.

III. No men are thirsty.

IV. At least some men are not wolf.

(1) Only I follows 
(2) Only III and IV follow 
(3) Only II follows 
(4) None follows. 

(5) None of these

Q.5. Statements: No paper is pen. No pen is pencil. All eraser are paper.

Conclusions: I. Some paper are eraser. II. No pencil is eraser.

III. No pen is eraser. IV. All paper are eraser.

(1) All follows 
(2) Only I and III follow 
(3) Only II, III and IV follow 

(4) Only II and III follow 
(5) None of these

Q.6-10. An arrangement machine when given a particular Input, its rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement.

Input: sky forward 17 over 95 23 come 40.

Step I: come sky forward 17 over 95 23 40

Step II: come 95 sky forward 17 over 23 40

Step III: come 95 forward sky 17 over 23 40

Step IV: come 95 forward 40 sky 17 over 23

Step V: come 95 forward 40 over sky 17 23

Step VI: come 95 forward 40 over 23 sky 17

Step VI is the last step for the above rearrangement.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, answer the following questions.

Q.6. If Input is: "machine hire for 19 against 85 12 46", then which of the following will be Step II?

(1) against 85 hire machine for 19 12 46

(2) against 85 machine 19 hire for 12 46 

(3) against 85 machine hire for 19 12 46 

(4) Cannot be determined 

(5) None of these

Q.7. If Step II for the input is: earn 72 31 46 higher goal 20 more, then which of the following is definitely the input ?

(1) 46 72 31 earn higher goal 20 more 

(2) 20 31 72 46 higher goal earn more 

(3) higher 20 31 72 46 goal earn more 

(4) Cannot be determined 

(5) None of these

Q.8. If Input is : on at 33 27 42 sky mat 51, then how many more steps are required to complete the arrangement?

(1) Six (2) Seven (3) Five (4) Eight (5) None of these

Q.9-10. If Step III of an Input is: bring 63 desk 11 29 together fight 30, then-

Q.9. How many more steps are required to complete the arrangement?

(1) Five (2) Seven (3) Four (4) Six (5) None of these

Q.10. Which of the following will be last but one step?

(1) bring 63 desk 30 11 29 together fight 
(2) bring 63 desk 30 fight 29 together 11

(3) bring 63 desk 30 fight 29 11 together 
(4) Cannot be determined 

(5) None of these


Q.1.(1) Q.2.(2) Q.3.(3) Q.4.(1) Q.5.(2) Q.6.(3) Q.7.(4) Q.8.(3) Q.9.(3) Q.10.(3) 

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