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Vocabulary - 08.10.2015

Bankers Guru
1. CAVILLOUS (ADJECTIVE): very critical

Synonyms: crabby, carping 

Antonyms: encouraging, praising 

Example Sentence:

It would be foolish to cavil about living in any city, with its many pleasures and diversions.

2. DEVOUT (ADJECTIVE): sincerely believing; devoted

Synonyms: adoring, ardent Antonyms: cold, frigid

Example Sentence:

Even the most devout students of them do not seem to have appreciated their inestimable value in this regard.

3. GLUT (NOUN): overabundance

Synonyms: saturation, surplus Antonyms: lack, need

Example Sentence:

But if Democrats are faced with the reality of a glut of qualified candidates, Republicans are assembling more of a fantasy team.

4. GAINSAY (VERB): contradict

Synonyms: combat, dispute Antonyms: admit, agree 

Example Sentence:

When they heard this, they could not gainsay; for the Truth came over them.

5. IMPALEMENT (NOUN): killing

Synonyms: beheading, electrocution Antonyms: disregard, failure

Example Sentence:

Hoping this amount of impalement will be satisfactory, I go on to something else.

6. PREEN (VERB): admire and clean oneself

Synonyms: beautify, clean Antonyms: dirty

Example Sentence:

Every gesture is a stroke of color which may preen or mar the picture.

7. INIQUITY (NOUN): sin, evil

Synonyms: crime, infamy Antonyms: kindness, morality

Example Sentence:

From here we would issue in force to close for the night the various dens of iniquity.

8. FUDDLE (VERB): bewilder someone 

Synonyms: amaze, astonish Antonyms: calm, clarify

Example Sentence:

The horrid creatures are going to fuddle at the tea-garden, and get tipsy like their masters. 

9. STURDY (NOUN): solid, durable

Synonyms: bulky, hearty Antonyms: easy, feeble

Example Sentence:

And the sturdy rocket propellant would not blow up in one explosion since it cannot do that without an oxidizer.

10. POPULOUS (ADJECTIVE): packed with inhabitants

Synonyms: crowded, numerous Antonyms: deserted

Example Sentence:

With 240 million people, eight of 10 of whom are Muslims, Indonesia is the most populous Muslim country in the world.

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