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Vocabulary - 13.10.2015

Bankers Guru

1. HILARITY (NOUN): laughter

Synonyms: amusement, fun 

Antonyms: sadness, work

Example Sentence:

Awkward moments and hilarity ensue until the humbled hero gets rescued by benevolent locals and in the process, gets transformed.

2. CURT (NOUN): abrupt, rude

Synonyms: blunt, terse Antonyms: lengthy, tactful

Example Sentence:

Now and then, a postcard would arrive with a curt message, typed on a manual typewriter.

3. PEEVE (NOUN): something strongly disliked

Synonyms: vexation, pest Antonyms: delight, like

Example Sentence:

Of course I know you don't mean it—you're simply hot and tired, and trying to work off your peeve on me.

4. INDUCEMENT (NOUN): incentive, motive

Synonyms: encouragement, stimulus Antonyms: hate, repulsion 

Example Sentence:

The mode in which a man is made subservient, is by inducement and persuasion.

5. SPURN (NOUN): turn away; ignore

Synonyms: disdain, dismiss Antonyms: accept, admire

Example Sentence:

Something told me I might address you and you would at least listen; would not spurn me or turn away in hateful contempt.

6. WHIFFY (ADJECTIVE): having fragrance

Synonyms: aromatic, fetid Antonyms: odorless, foul

Example Sentence:

Go not with fine Toby men, who burn out like a candle wot has a thief in it,—all flare, and gone in a whiffy!

7. MOUSY (ADJECTIVE): drab; quiet

Synonyms: bashful, dull Antonyms: extroverted, fancy

Example Sentence:

He will work with as much zeal to snare a mousy girl as to seduce a beauty queen.

8. GUM (NOUN): sticky substance 

Synonyms: paste, wax 

Example Sentence:

Republicans throw up procedural obstacles just to gum up the works and run out the clock. 

9. SHAMBLES (NOUN): a mess

Synonyms: disarray, chaos Antonyms: harmony, order

Example Sentence:

If they do, he could well resurrect a political career now in shambles.


Synonyms: short, rough Antonyms: definite, devious

Example Sentence:

Those who have interacted with him describe him as breviloquent, eccentric, clenched.

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